How to get over someone you never dated

First of all, why?
Getting over a person is never fun and I, personally, would choose being stuck in traffic for 3 hours every day for the rest of my life, or, even getting an elachi with every bite of my biriyani than trying to get over a person.
At least, after a break up when you get down or miss your significant other, you think about the reason why things ended and you pull yourself together. You have been with that person and you know that things were just not working out. Now, imagine the only explanation you have for not being together is a text saying, “I want us to be friends”. What do you do then?
Firstly, I'm sure the other person sincerely means this offer of friendship, so extend your arms wide open towards them. Call them, go out with them, and just be with them as much as possible. If you're with them all day, there's no need to get over them. If anyone tries to tell you that it's unhealthy or that it would hurt you in the long run, cut them out of your life. You don't need that kind of negativity. #GOODVIBESONLY
Another thing you can do is completely block out the conversation where the other person decided they just want to be friends. Imagine in your head that you guys ARE actually dating and definitely work yourself up and feel sad every time you see them talking to someone of the opposite gender. After a few months you can even imagine a breakup scenario and finally break things off with the person in your head. In this way, you get closure plus keep your creative side active. It's a win-win situation.
Now, don't go sulking in a corner because your feelings weren't reciprocated. This is what you get for trying to socialise.
Tasnim Odrika is having an existential crisis at the moment and doesn't really know who she is anymore. Send her compliments at