

Bangladeshi scientist leads discovery of novel quantum state of matter

A Bangladeshi physicist of Princeton University has led an international research team in discovering a novel quantum state of matter that can be 'tuned' at will - and it's 10 times more tunable than existing theories can explain.

5y ago

Discovery of neutron star collision is 'breakthrough' of 2017

The world's first-ever detection of two faraway neutron stars colliding, causing a massive blast that rippled through the fabric of space and time, is judged the scientific breakthrough of 2017.

6y ago

Top lab CERN launches key new particle accelerator

Europe's top physics lab CERN launches its newest particle accelerator, billed as a key step towards future experiments that could unlock the universe's greatest mysteries.

7y ago

Chinese scientists create first photon quantum computer

Chinese scientists have built the world's first quantum computing machine that goes far beyond the early classical -- or conventional -- computers, paving the way to the ultimate realization of quantum computing.

7y ago

Hawking opens British artificial intelligence hub

Professor Stephen Hawking opens a new artificial intelligence research centre at Britain's Cambridge University.

7y ago

Newly created hologram of particle of light may change quantum world

A persistent group of scientists at the University of Warsaw have accomplished the impossible by creating a hologram of a solitary particle of light, reports Business Insider.

8y ago

Kettering Cosmos: How school children exposed Soviet secret

The Cuban Missile Crisis pushed the world to the brink of nuclear Armageddon and no footprint has yet been left on the Moon. Yet one of the more peculiar twists of the Cold War involved a physics lesson at a provincial grammar school.

8y ago

The next ‘Einstein’ according to Harvard is not an old, white man

For her lengthy list of achievements in science, a Cuban-American woman is speculated to be the next Albert Einstein, reports Vibe.

8y ago

4 cosmic phenomena that travel faster than the speed of light

Since Einstein, physicists have found that certain entities can reach superluminal (that means "faster-than-light") speeds and still follow the cosmic rules laid down by special relativity.

8y ago

2 most dangerous numbers in universe threaten end of physics

A deeply disturbing and controversial line of thinking has emerged within the physics community. It's the idea that we are reaching the absolute limit of what we can understand about the world around us through science.

8y ago

Black hole caught 'burping' gas

Astronomers have spotted two huge waves of gas being "burped" by the black hole at the heart of a nearby galaxy.

8y ago

5 things Einstein got totally wrong

Relativity is now a centerpiece of modern physics, the reason GPS satellites and mobile internet exist, and why Einstein is easily the most famous scientist in history.But Einstein made plenty of errors and oversights, and sometimes, he was flat out wrong.

8y ago

Einstein wouldn't like it: New test proves universe is "spooky"

The universe really is weird, which is bad news both for Albert Einstein and for would-be hackers hoping to break into quantum encryption systems. Eighty years after the physicist dismissed as "spooky" the idea that simply observing one particle could instantly change another far-away object, Dutch scientists said on Wednesday they had proved decisively that the effect was real.

8y ago

After 100 years, Einstein's theory stands test of time

Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity is about to celebrate its 100th anniversary, and his revolutionary hypothesis has withstood the test of time, despite numerous expert attempts to find flaws.

8y ago

A Bangladeshi teen’s time at CERN

Labib Tazwar Rahman, a 17 year old A-Levels student from Bangladesh got the opportunity to live the dream - working for the CERN for a whole week.

8y ago

Physicist observe and control quantum motion

For the first time, a team of physicists has discovered a way to observe and control quantum motion of an object that is large enough to see.

8y ago

This star is so powerful it could rival a black hole (video)

A super-dense neutron star some 4,400 light-years away is not shy about showing off its strength, reports Huffington Post.

8y ago

Large Hadron Collider discovers new pentaquark particle

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider announce the discovery of a new particle called the pentaquark.

9y ago
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