

How to get your HSC results

How to get your HSC 2024 results online and through SMS.

5d ago

Farewell, Ms Lubna Choudhury

A collective loss is felt all over the entire education community with Ms Choudhury's passing on October 7, 2024.

1w ago

Looking after your mental health during gap year

For students opting for such a break before enrolling in university, taking care of their mental health becomes vital.

1m ago

Studying in public spaces: Should you give it a go?

For students, third places can become crucial study environments that break the monotony of studying in a room.

3m ago

On surviving the transition from school to university

While this is an exciting time in their lives, it leaves many struggling to cope with the sudden changes

3m ago

The dos and don’ts of asking for a letter of recommendation

Collecting recommendation letters can seem daunting but it is not something to fear if you keep these pointers in mind.

3m ago

The harrowing realities of cyberbullying

Cyberbullying most frequently occurs during the transition from primary to high school, although it continues throughout the teenage years.

3m ago

Is it necessary to take social media breaks during exam season?

Amidst the finals season chaos, many decide to take a break from all sorts of social media platforms.

4m ago

Rethinking our approach to school academics

Campus sat down with Dr Shivananda, principal of DPS STS School, to learn more about his research and expert insight on recent educational trends. 

4m ago

Is A level Economics for you?

If you are someone who likes extensive reading, rigorous analysis, and would’ve done all that independent research either way out of a genuine curiosity to learn more about monetary and fiscal policies, expansions and recessions, supply and demand, A level Economics is the perfect match.

4m ago

How to write a stellar personal statement

During college admissions season, hundreds of thousands of students across the globe scramble to get their applications in order.

5m ago

The need for comprehensive sexuality education in our schools

The importance of sex education in guiding adolescents cannot be overstated.

5m ago

Is A level Further Mathematics for you?

Taking Further Maths for all the wrong reasons can not only deprive you of its benefits but make your life a whole lot more difficult.

5m ago

Schools need to rethink how they teach Literature

Schools must revamp literature education to foster creativity.

5m ago

Are you experiencing testing fatigue?

At this point, I simply don’t feel like taking any more tests.

7m ago

The unintended long-term effects of coaching culture

Long-term reliance on coaching classes may lead to several adverse effects in the future.

7m ago

The state of sports in schools

Schools, therefore, often remain an oasis in an otherwise barren concrete desert without publicly accessible alternatives.

8m ago

Is A level Psychology right for you?

Even if psychology isn’t your intended major, studying it for A levels helps develop strong analytical and critical thinking skills.

8m ago