
The ones who stayed for some extra cash

People earning extra cash in Dhaka during Eid-ul-Azha
Photo: Shaheen Mollah/Star

Workers who came to the capital or stayed back to earn some extra cash during the Eid-ul-Azha thronged Gabtoli and nearby areas for buses.

At least 500-600 of them were seen waiting between Gabtoli Mazar Road and Amin Bazar after 9:00pm.

There was no shortage of buses at Gabtoli Bus Terminal, but the workers were waiting on the streets for cheaper fares.

Rafiqul Islam, 38, a rickshaw puller, remained in the capital while most went home to celebrate Eid with their families.

In the last three days, he earned around Tk 5,000.

He was waiting for a bus to go home to Bogura to his wife and children with his earnings and some 2kg meat.

A domestic help, Rabeya Khatun, 50, did not get leave for the Eid. After working two extra days she is going home now to her family.

She came to Gabtoli around 10:30pm with some of her neighbours and was waiting for a bus for Sirajganj.

To fill the demand of butchers, many people from outside the capital came to Dhaka.

One such is Akram Hossain, 30, a farmer from Rangpur.

He earned Tk 5,000, and also got 1.5kg beef which he was taking home.

By 11:30pm, the crowd of passengers waiting in Gabtoli somewhat thinned down.


The ones who stayed for some extra cash

People earning extra cash in Dhaka during Eid-ul-Azha
Photo: Shaheen Mollah/Star

Workers who came to the capital or stayed back to earn some extra cash during the Eid-ul-Azha thronged Gabtoli and nearby areas for buses.

At least 500-600 of them were seen waiting between Gabtoli Mazar Road and Amin Bazar after 9:00pm.

There was no shortage of buses at Gabtoli Bus Terminal, but the workers were waiting on the streets for cheaper fares.

Rafiqul Islam, 38, a rickshaw puller, remained in the capital while most went home to celebrate Eid with their families.

In the last three days, he earned around Tk 5,000.

He was waiting for a bus to go home to Bogura to his wife and children with his earnings and some 2kg meat.

A domestic help, Rabeya Khatun, 50, did not get leave for the Eid. After working two extra days she is going home now to her family.

She came to Gabtoli around 10:30pm with some of her neighbours and was waiting for a bus for Sirajganj.

To fill the demand of butchers, many people from outside the capital came to Dhaka.

One such is Akram Hossain, 30, a farmer from Rangpur.

He earned Tk 5,000, and also got 1.5kg beef which he was taking home.

By 11:30pm, the crowd of passengers waiting in Gabtoli somewhat thinned down.


লন্ডনের উদ্দেশে ঢাকা ছেড়েছে খালেদা জিয়াকে বহনকারী এয়ার অ্যাম্বুলেন্স

কাতারের আমিরের পাঠানো বিশেষ এয়ার অ্যাম্বুলেন্সে লন্ডন যাচ্ছেন সাবেক প্রধানমন্ত্রী খালেদা জিয়া।

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