
No plan to hike train fare now: Minister

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Bangladesh Railway is not considering to hike train fare for now, Railways Minister Nurul Islam Sujan said today (August 20, 2022).

"We didn't send any proposal to the prime minister in this regard so far...We are not considering any increase in train fare right now," the minister said.

Railways Minister Nurul Islam Sujan addressing media on August 20, 2022. Photo: Tuhin Shubhra Adhikary

He was briefing media after inaugurating the installation of rail track on Padma Bridge at Zajira end today.

After the government hiked fuel prices on August 6 this year, the authorities have increased bus fares by up to 22 percent and launch fare by 30 percent.


No plan to hike train fare now: Minister

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Bangladesh Railway is not considering to hike train fare for now, Railways Minister Nurul Islam Sujan said today (August 20, 2022).

"We didn't send any proposal to the prime minister in this regard so far...We are not considering any increase in train fare right now," the minister said.

Railways Minister Nurul Islam Sujan addressing media on August 20, 2022. Photo: Tuhin Shubhra Adhikary

He was briefing media after inaugurating the installation of rail track on Padma Bridge at Zajira end today.

After the government hiked fuel prices on August 6 this year, the authorities have increased bus fares by up to 22 percent and launch fare by 30 percent.


নরসিংদীর শিবপুর উপজেলা স্বেচ্ছাসেবক দলের সদস্য সচিব জজ মিয়া। ছবি: সংগৃহীত

আ. লীগ নেতাকে ছাড়িয়ে নিতে পুলিশকে মারধর, স্বেচ্ছাসেবক দল নেতা আটক

স্থানীয় বাসিন্দা ও পুলিশের সদস্যরা জানান, আটক জজ মিয়া একজন পেশাদার সন্ত্রাসী।

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