JU holds admission tests in shifts despite disparity in results

We intend to hold all exams of one faculty on the same day. We are also thinking of proposing fixed number of seats in the merit list from every shift to the central admission test governing body.
One entrance exam. Multiple shifts, with different sets of question papers.
Result: severe disparity in the number of qualified candidates from different shifts.
That is how admission tests have been working in Jahangirnagar University every year. Analysing last year's B-unit test results -- which was held in five shifts -- this correspondent observed 217 candidates were qualified from the fifth shift alone, while only 12 students placed from the second shift.
From the fifth shift out of the 10 in the D-unit tests, 104 candidates qualified, while only one qualified from the third shift.
"We have urged the authorities many times to avoid the shift system and hold exams with the same question paper," said Prof Anu Muhammad, eminent economist and JU faculty member. "This controversial system has been kept alive for the huge sum of money the teachers get through this," he added.
According to official documents, on-duty faculty members were paid Tk 3,000 for each shift in the 2020-21 admission test, yielding an amount of Tk 15,000 per teacher for the five shifts in B-unit tests.
Documents also show that former VC Farzana Islam was paid Tk 2.86 lakh despite having little to no involvement.
Meanwhile, current and former directors of Institute of Business Administration and Institute of Information and Technology got Tk 1.38 lakh each -- based on their meeting attendance -- yielding Tk 9,857 for a meeting to each director.
While asked about this distribution, Dr Rasheda Akhtar, JU treasurer and finance committee chair, referred to their overtime.
"We intend to hold all exams of the one faculty on the same day. We are also thinking of proposing fixed number of seats in the merit list from every shift to the central admission test governing body," said JU Vice Chancellor Prof Nurul Alam.