
Eid rush: Padma Bridge sees 16.25pc increase in traffic this year

Smaller rise in traffic through Bangabandhu Bridge
A picture of the Padma bridge
Photo: STAR

A total of 1.92 lakh vehicles used the Padma Bridge in seven days during the Eid rush this year, which is 16.25 percent higher than the corresponding period last year.

On the other hand, 2.09 lakh vehicles used the Bangabandhu Bridge in the same period, which is only 4.79 percent higher compared to the corresponding period last year.

Padma Bridge and Bangabandhu Bridge are the two biggest bridges of the country that connect southern, western and northern regions of Bangladesh. Most vacationers, who go back to their home districts from the capital to celebrate Eid, used those routes.

However, people travelling to southwestern regions also used the Paturia-Dauladia and Aricha-Kazirhat ferry routes while many people travelling to north-western regions travelled by train.

According to data of Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), which operates the bridges, a total of 1.65 lakh vehicles used Padma Bridge in seven days from April 16 to 22 (April 22 was Eid day) in 2023.

Traffic Surges 16.25% on Padma Bridge

This year, 1.92 lakh vehicles used the Padma Bridge in seven days from April 5 to April 11 (April 11 was Eid day) -- a 16.25 percent increase.

The highest 45,204 vehicles used the bridge on April 9 this year and it has earned the highest toll, Tk 4.90 crore, the same day.

BBA collected Tk 21.54 crore in the seven days this year, while the number was Tk 20.17 crore in the seven days leading up to Eid last year. The toll collection rose by 6.78 percent this year.

Home-goers' travel via the Padma Bridge was largely hassle-free this year, other than some tailbacks at the exit points including Jatrabari of the capital on April 9, when most garment factories and many private offices declared closure.

Bangabandhu Bridge

A total of 1.99 lakh vehicles used Padma Bridge in seven days from April 16 to 22 in 2023, and 2.09 lakh vehicles used the bridge in seven days from April 5 to 11 this year – a 4.79 percent increase.

People heading for northern regions using the bridge suffered immensely due to huge traffic congestion from April 9 afternoon to April 10 afternoon. This could be a reason behind the relatively low growth in traffic this year.

BBA data shows the highest 42,365 vehicles used the bridge on April 9 but it dropped to 19,273 on the following day.

The bridge authority had earned Tk 15.05 crore toll in seven days last year but it has earned Tk 15.35 crore this year.

It means the authority earned only 1.98 percent higher toll this year compared to the corresponding time last year.


Eid rush: Padma Bridge sees 16.25pc increase in traffic this year

Smaller rise in traffic through Bangabandhu Bridge
A picture of the Padma bridge
Photo: STAR

A total of 1.92 lakh vehicles used the Padma Bridge in seven days during the Eid rush this year, which is 16.25 percent higher than the corresponding period last year.

On the other hand, 2.09 lakh vehicles used the Bangabandhu Bridge in the same period, which is only 4.79 percent higher compared to the corresponding period last year.

Padma Bridge and Bangabandhu Bridge are the two biggest bridges of the country that connect southern, western and northern regions of Bangladesh. Most vacationers, who go back to their home districts from the capital to celebrate Eid, used those routes.

However, people travelling to southwestern regions also used the Paturia-Dauladia and Aricha-Kazirhat ferry routes while many people travelling to north-western regions travelled by train.

According to data of Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA), which operates the bridges, a total of 1.65 lakh vehicles used Padma Bridge in seven days from April 16 to 22 (April 22 was Eid day) in 2023.

Traffic Surges 16.25% on Padma Bridge

This year, 1.92 lakh vehicles used the Padma Bridge in seven days from April 5 to April 11 (April 11 was Eid day) -- a 16.25 percent increase.

The highest 45,204 vehicles used the bridge on April 9 this year and it has earned the highest toll, Tk 4.90 crore, the same day.

BBA collected Tk 21.54 crore in the seven days this year, while the number was Tk 20.17 crore in the seven days leading up to Eid last year. The toll collection rose by 6.78 percent this year.

Home-goers' travel via the Padma Bridge was largely hassle-free this year, other than some tailbacks at the exit points including Jatrabari of the capital on April 9, when most garment factories and many private offices declared closure.

Bangabandhu Bridge

A total of 1.99 lakh vehicles used Padma Bridge in seven days from April 16 to 22 in 2023, and 2.09 lakh vehicles used the bridge in seven days from April 5 to 11 this year – a 4.79 percent increase.

People heading for northern regions using the bridge suffered immensely due to huge traffic congestion from April 9 afternoon to April 10 afternoon. This could be a reason behind the relatively low growth in traffic this year.

BBA data shows the highest 42,365 vehicles used the bridge on April 9 but it dropped to 19,273 on the following day.

The bridge authority had earned Tk 15.05 crore toll in seven days last year but it has earned Tk 15.35 crore this year.

It means the authority earned only 1.98 percent higher toll this year compared to the corresponding time last year.


রণধীর জয়সওয়াল

আশা করি দ্বিপাক্ষিক চুক্তিগুলোর প্রতি বাংলাদেশ সম্মান দেখাবে: ভারতের পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়

শুক্রবার সাপ্তাহিক সংবাদ ব্রিফিংয়ে এক প্রশ্নের জবাবে ভারতের পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়ের মুখপাত্র রণধীর জয়সওয়াল এ মন্তব্য করেন।

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