Promotion to deputy secy

64 DCs against having more non-admin officials

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Deputy commissioners of all 64 districts have protested the Public Administration Reform Commission's suggestion for changing the ratio of cadres for promotion to deputy secretary.

The Bangladesh Administrative Service Association (Basa) has also issued a statement of protest.

The protest letters were submitted to the Cabinet Secretary and the Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration yesterday. The Daily Star has obtained copies of these protest letters.

There are 26 cadre services in the country. Currently, 75 percent of the deputy secretary posts are allocated to admin cadre officers. The rest are filled by officers of the other cadres.

On Tuesday, during a briefing at the Secretariat, Public Administration Reform Commission Chairman Abdul Muid Chowdhury indicated that the commission plans to recommend adjusting this ratio to 50:50.

In the protest letters, the DCs described the proposed changes as unrealistic and unacceptable.

In a press release, Basa, on behalf of the admin cadre said, "The suggestions being considered by the reform commission for deputy secretary promotions are impractical and cannot be supported in any way."

The protest resolution further stated, "It is both unexpected and objectionable to make such declarations before submitting a formal written report on a matter already settled by the highest court of the country. This move is akin to weakening the state apparatus."


Promotion to deputy secy

64 DCs against having more non-admin officials

Bangladesh Govt Logo

Deputy commissioners of all 64 districts have protested the Public Administration Reform Commission's suggestion for changing the ratio of cadres for promotion to deputy secretary.

The Bangladesh Administrative Service Association (Basa) has also issued a statement of protest.

The protest letters were submitted to the Cabinet Secretary and the Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration yesterday. The Daily Star has obtained copies of these protest letters.

There are 26 cadre services in the country. Currently, 75 percent of the deputy secretary posts are allocated to admin cadre officers. The rest are filled by officers of the other cadres.

On Tuesday, during a briefing at the Secretariat, Public Administration Reform Commission Chairman Abdul Muid Chowdhury indicated that the commission plans to recommend adjusting this ratio to 50:50.

In the protest letters, the DCs described the proposed changes as unrealistic and unacceptable.

In a press release, Basa, on behalf of the admin cadre said, "The suggestions being considered by the reform commission for deputy secretary promotions are impractical and cannot be supported in any way."

The protest resolution further stated, "It is both unexpected and objectionable to make such declarations before submitting a formal written report on a matter already settled by the highest court of the country. This move is akin to weakening the state apparatus."


নির্বাচনের ঘোষণাকে স্বাগত, হাসিনার গুমের সম্পৃক্ততা তদন্তে সমর্থন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের

বুধবার স্টেট ডিপার্টমেন্টের নিয়মিত ব্রিফিংয়ে বাংলাদেশ প্রসঙ্গে সাউথ এশিয়া পার্সপেক্টিভস’র স্টেট ডিপার্টমেন্ট করেসপন্ডেন্ট আব্দুর রহিমের করা এক প্রশ্নের জবাবে নির্বাচনের ঘোষণাকে স্বাগত জানান...

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