Crime & Justice

ACC probing graft allegations against Matiur: official

Matiur Rahman

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is investigating allegations of corruption against National Board of Revenue (NBR) official Matiur Rahman.

A three-member investigation team has been formed with a deputy director as its head for probing allegations of amassing illegal assets and money laundering against Matiur, ACC Secretary Khorsheda Yasmin told reporters today.

The commission decided to form the probe team on June 4.

Matiur, who was president of the National Board of Revenue's (NBR) Customs, Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal, has been transferred to the Internal Resources Division (IRD) of the Finance Ministry following the recent controversy over his wealth.

The controversy surfaced after Matiur's son Mushfiqur Rahman Ifat posted a photo of a sacrificial goat on social media and claimed to have bought it for Tk 12 lakh.

 This raised questions about the income of this official with a basic monthly salary of Tk 78,000.


ACC probing graft allegations against Matiur: official

Matiur Rahman

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is investigating allegations of corruption against National Board of Revenue (NBR) official Matiur Rahman.

A three-member investigation team has been formed with a deputy director as its head for probing allegations of amassing illegal assets and money laundering against Matiur, ACC Secretary Khorsheda Yasmin told reporters today.

The commission decided to form the probe team on June 4.

Matiur, who was president of the National Board of Revenue's (NBR) Customs, Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal, has been transferred to the Internal Resources Division (IRD) of the Finance Ministry following the recent controversy over his wealth.

The controversy surfaced after Matiur's son Mushfiqur Rahman Ifat posted a photo of a sacrificial goat on social media and claimed to have bought it for Tk 12 lakh.

 This raised questions about the income of this official with a basic monthly salary of Tk 78,000.


অর্থ পাচার মামলায় ডেসটিনির এমডি রফিকুলসহ ১৯ জনের ১২ বছর কারাদণ্ড

রফিকুল আমিন, তার স্ত্রী ফারাহ দিবা এবং ডেস্টিনি গ্রুপের চেয়ারম্যান মোহাম্মদ হোসেন বর্তমানে কারাগারে রয়েছেন। জামিনে আছেন ডেস্টিনির প্রেসিডেন্ট লেফটেন্যান্ট জেনারেল (অব.) হারুন-অর-রশিদ।

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