Explosions from accumulated gas: How to keep your homes safe

At least 22 people were killed in two separate explosions, believed to have originated from accumulated gas, in the span of three days in different parts Dhaka.
The explosions in Science Lab and Gulistan also left over 150 injured which raises the issue of how to avoid such disasters. Is there a checklist we can follow to ensure our homes and workplaces are safe?
There is no risk if gas from leakage in gas pipelines, cylinders, air-conditioners, septic or water tanks are released into an open space, said experts from both Fire Service and Civil Defence and law enforcers.
But when there is a leak and gas accumulates inside a closed space or room, it is akin to a ticking time-bomb. And when that accumulated gas comes in contact with a spark from an electric short-circuit or when someone lights a matchstick, an explosion rips through the room. Hidden sparks from within electric switches can also result in explosions, the experts said.
According to experts, an explosion may occur if there is presence of five to twelve percent gas in the air of a confined space.
Apart from the negligence of Titas Gas authorities in repairing leak in gas lines on time, disasters can also happen due to a lack of awareness among residents.
Below are a few pointers gathered following conversations with experts from Fire Service and Civil Defence and law enforcers on preventive measures :
1. Always keep doors and windows of the kitchen open so that gas is allowed to diffuse into the air even if any leak occurs.
2. Do not immediately switch on the lights or fans of your houses if you are returning home after several days. Open the doors and windows first to allow air into the house to dilute the gas, if there is any.
3. Always keep a passage in septic tank and water tanks so that gas can go out of the tank, instead of getting stored in the basement or ground floor rooms. The tanks should be cleaned on regular basis.
4. Call authorities immediately if there is any sign of leakage in the gas line.
5. Always check gas burner and switch it off properly, especially before going to bed.
6. You can install natural gas detectors at your home and workplace.
7. The authorities of gas and sewerage lines should conduct checks on the gas lines from time to time.
8. Make sure to service your air conditioners periodically especially after it has been left unused for a while during winter months