Today's Gallery (2024.12.15)
A homeless individual, wrapped in a hoodie and light quilts, spent his night at the foot of the Raju sculpture (not in picture) on the Dhaka University premises amid a cold spell that has gripped the country since Friday. The photo was taken around 7:00am yesterday. PHOTO: ANISUR RAHMAN
Construction work is going on at the Panthakunja Park near Sonargaon intersection in the capital. Bangladesh Gacch Rakkha Andolon demonstrated at the park yesterday demanding cessation of the construction work for an elevated expressway ramp that they said would destroy park. Photo: Amran Hossain
SELLING LIKE HOT CAKES…A sure sign of winter’s arrival is the sight of people of all ages lining up at street vendors for traditional rice cakes. The photo shows customers crowding a roadside cake stall to indulge in these seasonal delicacies fresh off the stove in the capital’s Farmgate area yesterday.
Photo: Anisur Rahman