Today's Gallery (2024.08.21)

Due to the nonstop rain since early morning, the port city’s low-lying areas were submerged under ankle- to waist-deep waters yesterday, causing immense suffering to residents. The active monsoon is expected to bring more rain in the next few days. The photo was taken in Chattogram city’s Muradpur area. Photo: Rajib Raihan
Jisa Chakma stands with her one and a half year old daughter in front of the secretariat yesterday. They have come all the way from Khagrachhari to demand for the job regularisation for those working in field services delivery in the current healthcare system. Photo: Anisur Rahman
A cyclist coasts through the empty streets in the Agargaon area, right by a graffitied wall that features only one word, “Reform”. The characters in the wall art show an ideal Bangladesh, one where people follow traffic lights and dispose of their waste properly. The photo was taken yesterday. Photo: Firoz Ahmed
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