The Noble Truth

. . . let's create a new generation.
– Hafiz
Leaders big and small set no good
Examples when they arm the youth
With sticks and bombs, crying for the
Wheels of economy to grind to a halt.
Traders landing at the airport hop
On the return flight out of town
While toddlers cry themselves to
Sleep on the floor for want of food.
The backpacked schoolboy waits
For hours in vain for the bus and
The old grandmother fleeing the city
In a baby taxi is blown to bits.
When the fox guards the hencoop
Hell will break loose for the fowls
Will croak, and the coop will shake
From the frenzied fluttering of wings.
The affairs of the state must not rest
In the hands of fools and knaves for
When fools the councils dominate,
The wise will always keep away,
Leaving the state in tatters, meritless
In policy, and the people suffer misery.
So cast out the old, ring in the new,
Eschew the evil, embrace the good.
Open the streets, open the schools,
Open the minds for the noble truth,
To light the road to the cherished goal:
Peace and progress in every household.
Ronny Noor is an English professor at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, U.S.A. He is also the author of Snake Dance in Berlin, Slice of Heaven and Other Essays, and Where Heaven Spreads Wide & Other Stories.