A Life Truly Worth Living

Say this, don't say that.
Write this, don't write that.
Swim with the crowd, lips sealed.
The thought police are out with swords.
If I can't think for myself,
Blindly chained to the ancient faith,
How do I walk in the digital age
Without oxygen in my head?
When I put pen to paper, I don't
Worry about who feels validated,
Vindicated, or flat out rejected
Lest my brisk Pilot grind to a halt.
The pen is mightier than the sword, as
The saying goes and every child knows.
So I dance to the tune my clear
Conscience dictates, come what may.
If nothing else, at the end of the day
I can rightly say without remorse or
Guilt, since I wasn't the cause of pain,
That was a life truly worth living.
The poet is a Professor of English at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA.