Let’s Walk: Inspiring people to keep walking

While many people resort to more vigorous forms of exercise to stay fit, walking provides an alternative for those who are unwilling or unable to do so. "Let's Walk" is a community whose purpose is to motivate people from all strata of life to take up walking as a form of exercise. Dr Anupam Hossain, founder of Let's Walk, believes that walking can benefit not only individuals but society as a whole.
Started in 2021 by Dr Hossain, a personality equally active in the field of medical science and the sports arena, Let's Walk holds campaigns at educational institutions around Bangladesh to raise awareness among students, educators, and their guardians on the physical and mental health benefits of regular walking.
In-person workshops are designed to inform the general public about the nitty-gritty of walking, and sessions with walking clubs are organised to inspire people to lead more proactive lives.
"Walking is the easiest form of exercise. If you try to play a sport, you will need a certain level of investment — for football, you will have to buy a ball and have access to an open field; for cricket, you need to buy a bat and a ball; if you want to go to the gym, you need to purchase a membership. Walking is the only form of exercise which you can do anywhere, anytime. All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes," Dr Hossain explains.

"Recent studies have shown that even a five-minute brisk walk to the grocery store can help get your blood pumping," Dr Hossain elaborates. He went on to say that even if one were working at a desk in the office, stepping out for a short stroll could leave that individual feeling rejuvenated. "These short walks add up at the end of the day, working wonders."
Dr Anupam Hossain believes that if a larger proportion of the youth were to take up walking as a pastime, the overall mental health of individuals would improve, as walking releases feel-good hormones. This could help tackle pressing social issues such as drug abuse and social media addiction, leading to a happier society in general.
A public health consultant himself, Dr Hossain is positive that if more people were to incorporate walking into their daily routines, the burden on the public health system would be greatly reduced.
"It is a win-win situation for all," he concludes.
For more, follow the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/letswalkwithdr.anupamhossain, or subscribe to the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@letswalkwithdr.anupamhossa4996.
Photo: Courtesy