Sprouts that brave the dark

Brighten up those little dark corners in your house with a little life. How so, you wonder? There are quite a few broad leaf and tropical plants that are reputed to thrive in low-light as their larger leaves absorb as much light as possible and many even have a waxy layer on the top that allows them to retain moisture.
Here's a pick of a few must-haves in your house.
Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)
They have polychromatic leaves in hues of red, pink, yellow and green, and flourish like champs in low-lit situations, and are also tolerant to droughts! So, you don't even need to feel guilty if you forget to water them for some time.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
The long spider-tentacle like leaves and the white flowers that beautifully grow downwards, covering the very pot itself, are great when mounted on walls or indoor hanging baskets. Just remember to check the soil once in a while, if it feels dry then it is time to water them.
Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)
These easy to maintain houseplants look like smaller versions of tropical palms, great additions that brighten up parts of the room, where sunlight doesn't reach. Remember to water them once in a while, but careful as to not overwater. Do keep in mind that this plant is toxic to pets, so if you have any in the house that love to chew on leaves then avoid this one.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
This plant is as pretty as the name itself! They are lush, have dark green leaves and dainty white flowers. If that wasn't enough, they also help with purifying the air. Peace lilies thrive in dark and light places but they need to be regularly watered. It is easy to tell when the plant isn't getting enough water because the leaves start to droop, so just water them if you haven't and see the leaves perk up.
Mint (Mentha)
The least demanding and forgiving plant that survives in shaded rooms, in addition to giving off a nice scent and add a great garnish your salads, is the mint.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)
A kind of succulent that retains water in its leaves and is prone to overwatering. That being said, they also have a reputation of not dying that easily, making them perfect for windowless bathrooms, stairways and corners of bedrooms. It needs to be watered every 3 weeks or when the soil feels really dry.

Photo: LS Archive/Sazzad Ibne Sayed