Tips for hosting a grand iftar party

A few days into Ramadan and most of us start looking for the perfect time to throw a bigger and better Iftar party than last year. Hosting a party is no child's play so preparing ahead is a must.
Schedule a time by speaking with everyone first
Thursday or Friday evenings are usually good times as most people do not have work the following day. However, if you find that you absolutely cannot accommodate everyone's times, simply set one yourself and hope for the best.
Have more than one option of drink to break the fast
A lot of people do not like herbal drinks, while resenting lime water. A backup of fruit juices can always save the day at these times and are great for the summer as well. Since the weather has caused a lot of common colds, not everyone might prefer a cold drink. Store away ice cubes separately and only add them in when a guest asks for it.
The Food
The best part about iftar gatherings are the food. As much as we know that fried food should be avoided, we cannot live without it, and hence is definitely expected at a gathering. Try to opt for baked savoury goods to cut down on the oil and lessen the deep fries too.
Always have at least two options for desserts, one for the children, and one for the grownups. Donuts or cakes are always loved by children, while date balls, baklava or traditional sweets are favoured by the older generation.
One basic option that everyone will love are yoghurt and fruits. Create a station on a cart, so everyone can mix in their choice of fruits for their dessert.
Post iftar always prepare for some tea and coffee since a lot of people habitually have a cup of warm drink after Maghrib prayers.
Dinner included
We call it an iftar gathering, but we all know the dinner is included. So plan for a full-fledged dinner afterwards because everyone will be expecting it.
If busyness gets the better of you and preparing all the food at home seems impossible, make it a pot-luck party. Not only does it make the whole arrangement more fun, it is easier on the host too.
Make designated seating arrangements so the children can all sit and have fun and the grownups can enjoy at their own pace.
Decorations are a must for all events
For an at-home event the easiest way to achieve this is with candles and flowers. They add a homely ambience that complements the food without feeling too overdone.
It is safe to say that not everyone is the best at throwing parties or has the time on hand. If you fall into this category, yet want to be able to have a nice gathering, heading out is the best option.
A little takeaway
When hosting an iftar party outside of the home things seem less personal and intimate. To make up for that have goodie bags for your guests. These do not have to be anything too fancy or ordered goods, but chocolates, dates, or a little takeaway box of jilapis can be a nice gesture.