Bata brings anti-bacterial ‘Back to School’ line-up of shoes in Bangladesh for the first time

From receiving books on the first day of school to meeting friends, school on a new year is full of joy for children. To make sure that school-going children have everything they need at their disposal, parents have to look after a whole set of things, like buying new stationery, school uniform, and a safe pair of school shoes for the youngsters.
Of course, children will be running and jumping around with their friends at school in no time, which more than anything will take a toll on their shoes, as they will reek of sweat, and be prone to attacks from bacteria and fungi!
Many children in Bangladesh fall sick because of the prevalence of micro-bacteria in their shoes, hence it's important to pick the right shoes to fight against all the bacteria, and foul odour.

Bata Bangladesh has addressed these health concerns for school-going children's shoes and has introduced the 'Back to School' line-up, with its life-natural technology integrated into the footwear that will control the odour by destroying 99 percent of the bacteria. The best thing about this technology is that in addition to its anti-micro bacterial protection, it's made from peppermint plant oil, making it a completely natural process.
Bata's life natural technology comes from the best raw materials and is safe enough to receive EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and BPR (Business Process Reengineering) certified approvals. One of the specialties of this technology is that it can be stored even at 50 degrees Celsius. The textile and polymer-induced 'life materials' keep odour and micro bacteria at bay and help protect children.
Bata's new life natural technology infused 'Back to School' shoe collection is available in two colours — black and white — so parents can easily buy the preferred shoes for their children. The shoes, in addition to being comfortable and safe for children to wear, also have a very eye-catching design. The shoes are available at different price points depending on the size and design; customers can get instant 10 percent cash back if the payment is made through bKash.
Photo: Bata