Bangladesh Kennel Club helping you understand your dog better

How many of us are aware of the right ways to care for our adored pet dogs? Or know the methods by which you can accommodate your doggie's particular needs? Being a responsible dog owner is not easy, and it is much more than making sure that the bowl of our furry friends is full to the brim. To create awareness about how to look after a dog correctly and discern the right breed so that your pet receives a tailored care, Bangladesh Kennel Club organised a seminar on 18 November, 2022.
In the seminar, Ashiqur Rahman Hasib, the president of Bangladesh Kennel Club said, "We plan to bring all the dog lovers of Bangladesh under one umbrella that is our kennel club. We also work with dog breed development and want to organise annual dog shows." Additionally, Somnath Ghosh, a life member of German Shepherd Dog Confederation of India, graced the seminar with his presence and shared his views.
"Say, you want to raise a pup of German Shepherd. But you don't have any knowledge about German Shepherd or you don't have any suitable place to nurture it—well, our job is to make you aware of the right procedures and bring everyone together who are enthusiastic about dogs and their different breeds," asserted Hasib.
In many countries around the world, namely Germany, United Kingdom and even in India, there are numerous kennel clubs which provide expert advice, guidance and services to dogs and their owners and ensure that dogs live happily and healthily with a responsible pet parent. Bangladesh Kennel Club has been established with the similar aim and it is a government registered club.
All you have to do is to register with Bangladesh Kennel Club, and after registering, the club will keep record or track of your kennel and the particular breed that you are raising. And voila! If you ever need to develop the breed, you can reach out to other owners through this club.
The Bangladesh Kennel Club is endeavouring to guarantee the welfare of dogs and create safe and protected environment for them. The club intends to organise a dog show very soon, and those who are interested can join the club by contacting the organisers and paying a certain membership subscription fee. To know more about the club's activities, please visit:
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