
Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival

Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival
Illustration: LS

If you are the average Dhakaite, there is a very high chance that you have swam in a swimming pool on numerous occasions, but never in a pond or any other naturally occurring waterbody. You also probably do not know how to start a fire without a matchstick or tell the direction without a compass! And…there is nothing wrong with that; these are skills that have little to no implications in our daily life.

Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival    ian-keefe-ypbhxvn3hii-unsplash
Photo: Collected / Ian Keefe / Unsplash

However, is learning survival skills totally pointless? The answer is no, it's not. Although the odds of you ever having to utilise these skills are very slim (we hope that is always the case), it is always good to keep them at your disposal. Besides, they also come with a lot of benefits and insights which will help us become better individuals.

The practicing of wilderness survival skills is heavily reliant on being mindful and being present in the moment. You often have to engage all of your senses and also get rid of any and all distractions (because you cannot afford them). This will undoubtedly help you become a more polished version of yourself.

Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival
Illustration: LS

As you delve deeper into learning more about survival in the wilderness and developing the skills necessary for that, you will inevitably learn more about yourself. You will get a better feel about how strong or fast or agile you are that under regular circumstances, you will not get the chance to.

In addition to physical toughness, you will uncover facets of your mental grit as well that you did not know about. Besides, knowing that you can now hold your own in even the gravest of situations will also instil a sense of empowerment into you.

Given the fine margin of error involved in surviving the wilderness, obtaining the essential skills to do so also teaches people to be a calmer and more patient version of themselves. This not only helps you navigate difficult and unexpected situations in the wilderness but will also help you navigate the various hardships of life in general and leave you unphased in the toughest of situations.

Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival     2-bro-s-media-yt5qsarrft8-unsplash
Photo: Collected / 2 Bro’s Media / Unsplash

Not to make things grim but if we take into consideration the current geopolitical landscape and add the potential consequences of global warming down the line, keeping these skills at your disposal is a huge plus. You never know when you will need them. Skills like first aid, shelter and fire building can have a significant impact on the safety and wellbeing of you and your loved ones in dire circumstances.


Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival

Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival
Illustration: LS

If you are the average Dhakaite, there is a very high chance that you have swam in a swimming pool on numerous occasions, but never in a pond or any other naturally occurring waterbody. You also probably do not know how to start a fire without a matchstick or tell the direction without a compass! And…there is nothing wrong with that; these are skills that have little to no implications in our daily life.

Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival    ian-keefe-ypbhxvn3hii-unsplash
Photo: Collected / Ian Keefe / Unsplash

However, is learning survival skills totally pointless? The answer is no, it's not. Although the odds of you ever having to utilise these skills are very slim (we hope that is always the case), it is always good to keep them at your disposal. Besides, they also come with a lot of benefits and insights which will help us become better individuals.

The practicing of wilderness survival skills is heavily reliant on being mindful and being present in the moment. You often have to engage all of your senses and also get rid of any and all distractions (because you cannot afford them). This will undoubtedly help you become a more polished version of yourself.

Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival
Illustration: LS

As you delve deeper into learning more about survival in the wilderness and developing the skills necessary for that, you will inevitably learn more about yourself. You will get a better feel about how strong or fast or agile you are that under regular circumstances, you will not get the chance to.

In addition to physical toughness, you will uncover facets of your mental grit as well that you did not know about. Besides, knowing that you can now hold your own in even the gravest of situations will also instil a sense of empowerment into you.

Given the fine margin of error involved in surviving the wilderness, obtaining the essential skills to do so also teaches people to be a calmer and more patient version of themselves. This not only helps you navigate difficult and unexpected situations in the wilderness but will also help you navigate the various hardships of life in general and leave you unphased in the toughest of situations.

Unexpected life lessons you can learn from wilderness survival     2-bro-s-media-yt5qsarrft8-unsplash
Photo: Collected / 2 Bro’s Media / Unsplash

Not to make things grim but if we take into consideration the current geopolitical landscape and add the potential consequences of global warming down the line, keeping these skills at your disposal is a huge plus. You never know when you will need them. Skills like first aid, shelter and fire building can have a significant impact on the safety and wellbeing of you and your loved ones in dire circumstances.


রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোর সঙ্গে জাতীয় ঐকমত্য কমিশনের বৈঠক শুরু

আজ শনিবার বিকেল ৩টার পর রাজধানীর বেইলি রোডে ফরেন সার্ভিস একাডেমিতে এই বৈঠক শুরু হয়।

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