
Breaking down the concept of minimalist living

All you need to know about minimalism and how you can practice it.
Breaking down the concept of minimalist living
Photo: Collected

Minimalism has gained a lot of attention in recent years. People all around the world are catching on to it and given how hectic, chaotic, and downright overwhelming life has become, it comes as no surprise that a concept that revolves around simplicity and decluttering is being more widely adopted.

Minimalism in essence means to focus on things that truly matter and let go of everything else. It is about deliberately surrounding ourselves with things that actually come in handy and shedding all excess to promote clarity and mindfulness. It transcends the physical and mental realms.

Benefits of living a minimalist life

By simplifying our physical spaces, we create an environment free from distraction and experience a more purposeful existence. Minimalism is known for having a huge impact on our mental health and is known to heal us from stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. Decluttering the mind can also help us focus and think more clearly.

Mindfulness is a central theme of minimalism and a more mindful way of life will also help you form deeper and more meaningful relationships with the people in your life. In addition to all of this, it promotes creativity, productivity, and an overall increased appreciation of life. Here are a few steps you can take to declutter your life and embrace minimalism.

Keep only what you need

The entire concept of minimalism relies on decluttering our physical environment and owning fewer possessions is the first step in doing that. Keep around you only the things that you truly need or have great significance. Free yourself from hoarding excess stuff that adds no meaning to your daily life. Now, we are not asking you to outright get rid of your belongings (it is an option though) but rather keep them out of sight. Store whatever adds no value to your life away so your surroundings can foster tranquility and mindfulness. You will feel an instant change in terms of peace and calm.

Say yes to experiences over materialism

Our entire life revolves around chasing materialistic goals. Minimalism takes a slightly different approach and opts to put more emphasis on experiences that create memories and help us grow as a person. Allocate your resources towards activities that help you create memories and form meaningful connections with the world and the people in your life. The entire aim of minimalism is to help you achieve a sense of purpose and feel more fulfilled.

Worry less about societal pressure

Easier said than done in a country like Bangladesh but minimalism seeks to break loose from not only material possessions but also social status. It seeks to cut all ties with the constant pressure that societal expectations can inflict on us. A practitioner of minimalism will need to put all their focus on their own journey and live a life filled with authenticity and acceptance. Furthermore, detaching yourself from societal pressure will help you take a huge step forward in decluttering your mind.

Now obviously in Bangladesh's context, a huge portion of whatever we have discussed so far can be extremely hard to practice. Our society and lifestyle in general are built on a very different set of foundations. However, that does not mean that we cannot take elements of minimalism and start applying them in our lives. Even if you cannot commit to it fully, minimalism is indeed a Godsend and is considered to be the perfect antidote to our often toxic lifestyles.


Breaking down the concept of minimalist living

All you need to know about minimalism and how you can practice it.
Breaking down the concept of minimalist living
Photo: Collected

Minimalism has gained a lot of attention in recent years. People all around the world are catching on to it and given how hectic, chaotic, and downright overwhelming life has become, it comes as no surprise that a concept that revolves around simplicity and decluttering is being more widely adopted.

Minimalism in essence means to focus on things that truly matter and let go of everything else. It is about deliberately surrounding ourselves with things that actually come in handy and shedding all excess to promote clarity and mindfulness. It transcends the physical and mental realms.

Benefits of living a minimalist life

By simplifying our physical spaces, we create an environment free from distraction and experience a more purposeful existence. Minimalism is known for having a huge impact on our mental health and is known to heal us from stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. Decluttering the mind can also help us focus and think more clearly.

Mindfulness is a central theme of minimalism and a more mindful way of life will also help you form deeper and more meaningful relationships with the people in your life. In addition to all of this, it promotes creativity, productivity, and an overall increased appreciation of life. Here are a few steps you can take to declutter your life and embrace minimalism.

Keep only what you need

The entire concept of minimalism relies on decluttering our physical environment and owning fewer possessions is the first step in doing that. Keep around you only the things that you truly need or have great significance. Free yourself from hoarding excess stuff that adds no meaning to your daily life. Now, we are not asking you to outright get rid of your belongings (it is an option though) but rather keep them out of sight. Store whatever adds no value to your life away so your surroundings can foster tranquility and mindfulness. You will feel an instant change in terms of peace and calm.

Say yes to experiences over materialism

Our entire life revolves around chasing materialistic goals. Minimalism takes a slightly different approach and opts to put more emphasis on experiences that create memories and help us grow as a person. Allocate your resources towards activities that help you create memories and form meaningful connections with the world and the people in your life. The entire aim of minimalism is to help you achieve a sense of purpose and feel more fulfilled.

Worry less about societal pressure

Easier said than done in a country like Bangladesh but minimalism seeks to break loose from not only material possessions but also social status. It seeks to cut all ties with the constant pressure that societal expectations can inflict on us. A practitioner of minimalism will need to put all their focus on their own journey and live a life filled with authenticity and acceptance. Furthermore, detaching yourself from societal pressure will help you take a huge step forward in decluttering your mind.

Now obviously in Bangladesh's context, a huge portion of whatever we have discussed so far can be extremely hard to practice. Our society and lifestyle in general are built on a very different set of foundations. However, that does not mean that we cannot take elements of minimalism and start applying them in our lives. Even if you cannot commit to it fully, minimalism is indeed a Godsend and is considered to be the perfect antidote to our often toxic lifestyles.


আখেরি মোনাজাতের আগে ইজতেমার মাঠে মানুষের ঢল। ছবি: সংগৃহীত

আখেরি মোনাজাতে অংশ নিতে ইজতেমার মাঠে মুসুল্লিদের ঢল

ভোর ৪ টা থেকে সারাদেশের মুসুল্লিদের ইজতেমা মাঠে জমায়েত হতে দেখা গেছে।

৪২ মিনিট আগে