HSC results 2020: 17,043 of the GPA 5 achievers didn't get GPA 5 in SSC, JSC

A total of 17,043 candidates, who did not get GPA 5 in their SSC and JSC results, were awarded the maximum grade point average in last year's Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent results.
The number of such candidates was 8,570, according to 2019 HSC results.
Meanwhile, 396 candidates have not achieved GPA 5 even though they got GPA 5 in both SSC and JSC. In 2019, the number of such candidates was 45,865.
The results of JSC and SSC were coordinated to come up with the results published today, said Nehal Ahmed, chairman of Dhaka Education Board.
"We took 75 percent from SSC and 25 percent from the JSC results," he said.
Some of the students who had achieved GPA 5 with the help of fourth subject in JSC and SSC, didn't get the maximum grade point average in HSC because of that, explained Manjurul Kabir, system analyst of Dhaka Education Board.