Seasonal flu: expert advices and home remedies

As winter approaches, the weather is changing too. The temperature is fluctuating rapidly, with colder nights and considerably warmer days. It is time when you are more vulnerable to 'seasonal flu' which can put you off your routine for almost a week.
Prevention is always better than cure and The Daily Star brings to you expert advice from medical practioners on 'home remedies to prevent seasonal flu'
-Exercise regularly: Besides maintaining personal hygiene, during this time of the year, everyone should also exercise to boost their immune system. Aerobic exercise like running, cycling or walking at the speed of 100 steps in a minute or any activity that gets your heart pumping and helps increase the body's natural virus-killing cells and thus, promotes immunity, advised Dr. Mujahidul Islam Nipun, Medical Officer at Care Specialized Hospital. Those who exercise regularly are more immune from seasonal flu, he said adding that half an hour of exercise a day should be enough for better immunity.

-Eat well: Our body immune system is dependent on the food intake and responds according to our consumption of food, Nipun said. Therefore, it is advised that a proper diet is maintained by everyone. He advised to increase the intake of 'phytochemicals' --- natural plant minerals in regular diets. He stressed that if a proper portion of green, red and yellow fruits and vegetables are maintained, a person will not need any vitamin supplement and also flu can be easily avoided.

-De-stress yourself: Yes, stress is one of the causes of many health problems therefore de-stressing is very important. A good night's sleep and better immunity are inter-related, and there's evidence that your immune system revs up when you de-stress. Getting a good night's sleep bolsters your defenses against colds and flu, said Nipun adding that, maintaining a positive outlook is also necessary. According to a study, it has been revealed that a positive outlook on life were better able to fight off both cold and flu viruses, he added.

-Smoking kills: Heavy smokers get more severe and frequent colds and once attacked, it takes them a long time to cure, Nipun alerted adding that cigarette puffs dry out the passages of the nostrils, affects the cilia, the delicate hairs that lines the nose and lungs and help sweep away cold and flu viruses. Thus, those who smoke, it's time for you to quit and get healthier.

-Vaccination: The 'ultimate solution' to avoid 'seasonal flu' is to get vaccinated, Nipun advised. One single dose of IM injection can prevent flu, he said, adding that it's good to be vaccinated because sometimes a seasonal flu can turn into pneumonia or related diseases.