All types of smoking dangerous for the heart: European Society of Cardiology

Electronic cigarettes, hookahs and waterpipes are just as bad for you as traditional cigarettes, warns the European Society of Cardiology.
"Smoking of all types is still, without any competition, the strongest risk factor for cardiovascular disease. It beats everything," says ESC prevention spokesperson Dr. Joep Perk on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day. "There has been a lot of research over the past 2-3 years which makes us very clear that all tobacco use, including the waterpipe, smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes, is simply not good for your health."
In fact, hookahs and waterpipes could be even more dangerous than traditional cigarettes, according to Dr. Perk, who points out that the longer sessions and deeper, prolonged inhalations could lead to increased toxin exposure.
E-cigs, or electronic cigarettes could be moderately effective in helping smokers quit, yet should come with a warning to help prevent youngsters from taking up the habit, he says.
The warning is to be published May 31 in the European Heart Journal.