Tetulia records lowest temperature at 7.2°C today

Country's lowest temperature of 7.2°C was recorded in Tetulia of Panchagarh for the second consecutive day today as a mild to moderate cold wave is sweeping over the parts of the country.
According to Dhaka's Bangladesh Meteorological Department, "A mild to moderate cold wave is sweeping over Rangpur and Rajshahi divisions and the districts of Gopalganj, Kishoreganj, Moulvibazar, Jashore, Kushtia, and Chuadanga and it may continue."
Moderate to thick fog may occur at places over the river basins and light to moderate fog at places elsewhere over the country during midnight to morning. Inland river transport may be disrupted due to thick fog.
Weather may remain dry with temporary partly cloudy sky over the country.
Night temperature may fall slightly and day temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the country.
UNB's Chuadanga correspondent reports that the district has been grappling with intense cold, disrupting day-to-day life, especially affecting children and the elderly.
The lowest temperature was recorded at 8.3°C in the district today, said meteorologist Rakibul Hasan at the district Met Office.
Though the sun is visible, a mild cold wave has been prevailing in the district for the past few days.