TV & Film

Nawazuddin files defamation case against ex-wife and brother

Nawazuddin files defamation case against ex-wife and brother
Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Photo: Collected

Renowned actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui recently filed a defamation case against his ex-wife, Aaliya, and brother, Shamasuddin Siddiqui in the Bombay High Court. According to media outlets, the actor has asked for Rs 100 crore as damage remuneration and demanded a written apology from the two.

The actor attested that Aaliya and Shamasuddin have damaged his reputation by spreading defamatory and false statements about him. He further requested the court to restrain the two from damaging his reputation any further via a restraining order.

According to Nawazuddin, he had employed Shamasuddin as his manager. Since 2008, Shamasuddin had been handling all of Nawazuddin's finances. However, he had allegedly taken advantage of Nawazuddin's blind faith in him. The actor mentioned that Aaliya and Shamasuddin had stolen Rs 21 crore from him.

Moreover, Nawazuddin also alleged that his ex-wife and brother had also bought properties using his money. However, when he inquired about these matters, the two started to blackmail him by uploading cheap video clips and issuing defamatory comments against him.

The next hearing of Nawazuddin's case is expected to take place on March 30.


Nawazuddin files defamation case against ex-wife and brother

Nawazuddin files defamation case against ex-wife and brother
Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Photo: Collected

Renowned actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui recently filed a defamation case against his ex-wife, Aaliya, and brother, Shamasuddin Siddiqui in the Bombay High Court. According to media outlets, the actor has asked for Rs 100 crore as damage remuneration and demanded a written apology from the two.

The actor attested that Aaliya and Shamasuddin have damaged his reputation by spreading defamatory and false statements about him. He further requested the court to restrain the two from damaging his reputation any further via a restraining order.

According to Nawazuddin, he had employed Shamasuddin as his manager. Since 2008, Shamasuddin had been handling all of Nawazuddin's finances. However, he had allegedly taken advantage of Nawazuddin's blind faith in him. The actor mentioned that Aaliya and Shamasuddin had stolen Rs 21 crore from him.

Moreover, Nawazuddin also alleged that his ex-wife and brother had also bought properties using his money. However, when he inquired about these matters, the two started to blackmail him by uploading cheap video clips and issuing defamatory comments against him.

The next hearing of Nawazuddin's case is expected to take place on March 30.


কুষ্টিয়া, ঝিনাইদহ, সড়ক অবরোধ, ঝাউদিয়া, ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ,

ঝাউদিয়া থানার দাবিতে কুষ্টিয়া-ঝিনাইদহ মহাসড়ক অবরোধ

বিক্ষোভকারীদের দাবি, ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থানা ঝাউদিয়ায় স্থানান্তর নিয়ে সরকারি প্রজ্ঞাপন জারির পরও কোনো ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া হয়নি। অবিলম্বে ঝাউদিয়া থানা উদ্বোধন না করা হলে এ আন্দোলন চলবে।

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