I miss taking salami from my dadu: Sadia Ayman

Sadia Ayman will be celebrating Eid with her entire family in Barisal. Usually, she starts the day by helping her mother in cooking and then she gets ready to meet her cousins, with whom she roams around to relatives' houses. "It is still fun to get salami from the relatives," she adds. In the late afternoon, Sadia plans to meet her friends for adda.
As for shopping the actress will be buying Eid gifts for her family and for underprivileged children. As a self-dependent person, Sadia feels that she can bring joy to the underprivileged by sharing some gifts with them. "For the last three years, I haven't shopped for myself," shares the "Mayashalik" actress. "Since I have to keep on buying things for my projects, I somehow don't feel the urge to buy more things for myself. Rather, I love buying gifts for my parents and family members."

One thing that makes her nostalgic and emotional about the occasion of Eid is her dadu (grandfather) who left her early when she was only in grade four. "Dadu used to give me a note of BDT 2. That was priceless for me, and I will miss getting 2 Taka from my sweet dadu."
This Eid, Sadia will be featured in more than ten television Eid special fictions.