TV & Film
22nd DIFF

DIFF Day 3: ‘Ajob Chele’ to screen today

DIFF Day 3: ‘Ajob Chele’ to screen today
Photo: IMDb

The Dhaka International Film Festival (DIFF) commenced on Saturday, aiming to showcase 252 films from 74 countries throughout the duration of the event.

Scheduled to run until January 28, the festival will feature screenings at various venues, including the Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Auditorium (main auditorium), Poet Sufia Kamal Auditorium at the Bangladesh National Museum, National Art Gallery Auditorium, National Music and Dance at the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA), and Alliance Française de Dhaka in Dhanmondi.

Here is a list of some of the movies which will be screened today:

Main Auditorium of Bangladesh National Museum

Peafowl - 10:30am

Knots - 01:00pm

Louis Kahn's Tiger City, Tagore - 03:00pm

The Great Distance Delivers Crane, Yue Guang Wu Shi (Moonlight Warrior) - 05:00pm

National Museum-Sufia Kamal Auditorium Shahbagh

Liza Go On, A - 10:30am

Zapata (Amoozadegan) - 01:00pm

Ashghal-ha va Arousak-ha (Junks & Dolls) - 03:00pm

Discreet Devotion - 05:00pm

Eti Chittra - 07:00pm

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, National Art Gallery Auditorium

Mahishasur Marddini (A Night to Remember) - 10:30am

Places of the Soul - 01:00pm

Mirjaveh (Waltz for Three) - 03:00pm

Ajob Chele (The Mysterious Boy) - 05:00pm

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, National Music and Dance Auditorium

Bulgarian Ship Sinks in Stormy Sea - 10:30am

The Path - 01:00pm 

Vibor (The Choice), Malafede - 03:00pm

Prithibi, Shadhinota, Ai Shobdoti Kibhabe Amader Holo (Independence, How Come This Word Become Ours), Aakali, Rhythm - 05:00pm

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, National Art Gallery Auditorium (5th floor)

Seven Citrus Aurantium, The 3rd Man- Makram j Khoury - 10:30am

Piel Devota – Devotional skin, Soren, Quello che è mio (What Is Mine), Bergie - 01:00pm

Lioness - 03:00pm

Vibor (The Choice) - 05:00pm

Alliance Francaise de Dhaka

Dov (Fortune) - 10:00am

Rahas kiyana kandu (Whispering Mountains) - 02:30pm

Fasl-e Alouche-hay-e Sabz (Green Plum Season) - 04:30pm


22nd DIFF

DIFF Day 3: ‘Ajob Chele’ to screen today

DIFF Day 3: ‘Ajob Chele’ to screen today
Photo: IMDb

The Dhaka International Film Festival (DIFF) commenced on Saturday, aiming to showcase 252 films from 74 countries throughout the duration of the event.

Scheduled to run until January 28, the festival will feature screenings at various venues, including the Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Auditorium (main auditorium), Poet Sufia Kamal Auditorium at the Bangladesh National Museum, National Art Gallery Auditorium, National Music and Dance at the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA), and Alliance Française de Dhaka in Dhanmondi.

Here is a list of some of the movies which will be screened today:

Main Auditorium of Bangladesh National Museum

Peafowl - 10:30am

Knots - 01:00pm

Louis Kahn's Tiger City, Tagore - 03:00pm

The Great Distance Delivers Crane, Yue Guang Wu Shi (Moonlight Warrior) - 05:00pm

National Museum-Sufia Kamal Auditorium Shahbagh

Liza Go On, A - 10:30am

Zapata (Amoozadegan) - 01:00pm

Ashghal-ha va Arousak-ha (Junks & Dolls) - 03:00pm

Discreet Devotion - 05:00pm

Eti Chittra - 07:00pm

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, National Art Gallery Auditorium

Mahishasur Marddini (A Night to Remember) - 10:30am

Places of the Soul - 01:00pm

Mirjaveh (Waltz for Three) - 03:00pm

Ajob Chele (The Mysterious Boy) - 05:00pm

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, National Music and Dance Auditorium

Bulgarian Ship Sinks in Stormy Sea - 10:30am

The Path - 01:00pm 

Vibor (The Choice), Malafede - 03:00pm

Prithibi, Shadhinota, Ai Shobdoti Kibhabe Amader Holo (Independence, How Come This Word Become Ours), Aakali, Rhythm - 05:00pm

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, National Art Gallery Auditorium (5th floor)

Seven Citrus Aurantium, The 3rd Man- Makram j Khoury - 10:30am

Piel Devota – Devotional skin, Soren, Quello che è mio (What Is Mine), Bergie - 01:00pm

Lioness - 03:00pm

Vibor (The Choice) - 05:00pm

Alliance Francaise de Dhaka

Dov (Fortune) - 10:00am

Rahas kiyana kandu (Whispering Mountains) - 02:30pm

Fasl-e Alouche-hay-e Sabz (Green Plum Season) - 04:30pm


অযথা সময়ক্ষেপণ করে সরকারে থাকার বিন্দুমাত্র ইচ্ছা আমাদের নেই: আসিফ নজরুল

‘রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোর সঙ্গে ফেব্রুয়ারির মাঝামাঝির মধ্যে থেকে আলোচনা শুরু করতে আগ্রহী।’

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