TV & Film

Awal Reza’s ‘Megh Roddur Khela' premieres at Star Cineplex

Photo: Courtesy

Yesterday, December 27, large numbers of Dhaka's youth flocked to Shimanto Square's Star Cineplex, looking forward to enjoying the premier show of Awal Reza's "Megh Roddur Khela". The film has been funded by a government-grant and is presented by Ispahani.

The story of "Megh Roddur Khela" revolves around the adventures of a group of teenagers, all of whom have been deeply inspired by the Liberation War.

Present at the premiere as the chief guest, was honourable State Minister of Cultural Affairs, KM Khalid, MP. At the event, he expressed his sincere appreciation and congratulated the director, performers and artistes for the making this film.

While unable to be present in person due to official engagements, Zunaid Ahmed Palak, MP, the honourable State Minister of Information and Technology—who was a special guest—sent a video message for all of those in attendance. In the video, he mentioned that he hoped "Megh Roddur Khela" would see a lot of success and also urged all members of the new generation to come and enjoy the film along with their parents or guardians.

Also present as special guests were Cultural Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League, Ashim Kumar Ukil, MP and General Manager of Ispahani Tea Limited, Omar Hannan. Dr Md. Jahangir Alam, Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting also attended the programme as the honourable guest.

As the storyline goes, 15-year-old adventure-lover Ryan one day learns on the internet about how scientists have discovered that snails— on a barren island in the largest mangrove forest of the world, located in the south of Bangladesh—carry uranium in their shells. Ryan instantly decides to visit the island, hoping to find and extract the uranium from these snails to produce electricity and resolve the power crisis in the country. Six of his loving friends also join him on this quest.

"Megh Roddur Khela" will be simultaneously released in cineplexes across Dhaka, Narayanganj and Chattogram on December 30. Following this, the film will also be released at leading cinema halls in all districts of the country in phases, based on the demand of viewers.


Awal Reza’s ‘Megh Roddur Khela' premieres at Star Cineplex

Photo: Courtesy

Yesterday, December 27, large numbers of Dhaka's youth flocked to Shimanto Square's Star Cineplex, looking forward to enjoying the premier show of Awal Reza's "Megh Roddur Khela". The film has been funded by a government-grant and is presented by Ispahani.

The story of "Megh Roddur Khela" revolves around the adventures of a group of teenagers, all of whom have been deeply inspired by the Liberation War.

Present at the premiere as the chief guest, was honourable State Minister of Cultural Affairs, KM Khalid, MP. At the event, he expressed his sincere appreciation and congratulated the director, performers and artistes for the making this film.

While unable to be present in person due to official engagements, Zunaid Ahmed Palak, MP, the honourable State Minister of Information and Technology—who was a special guest—sent a video message for all of those in attendance. In the video, he mentioned that he hoped "Megh Roddur Khela" would see a lot of success and also urged all members of the new generation to come and enjoy the film along with their parents or guardians.

Also present as special guests were Cultural Secretary of Bangladesh Awami League, Ashim Kumar Ukil, MP and General Manager of Ispahani Tea Limited, Omar Hannan. Dr Md. Jahangir Alam, Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting also attended the programme as the honourable guest.

As the storyline goes, 15-year-old adventure-lover Ryan one day learns on the internet about how scientists have discovered that snails— on a barren island in the largest mangrove forest of the world, located in the south of Bangladesh—carry uranium in their shells. Ryan instantly decides to visit the island, hoping to find and extract the uranium from these snails to produce electricity and resolve the power crisis in the country. Six of his loving friends also join him on this quest.

"Megh Roddur Khela" will be simultaneously released in cineplexes across Dhaka, Narayanganj and Chattogram on December 30. Following this, the film will also be released at leading cinema halls in all districts of the country in phases, based on the demand of viewers.


সুপ্রিম কোর্টের ফটকে ইন্টার্ন চিকিৎসকদের বিক্ষোভ

মেডিকেল সহকারীরা ‘ডাক্তার’ উপাধি ব্যবহার করার চেষ্টা করছে, এমন অভিযোগে কয়েকশ ইন্টার্ন চিকিৎসক ও মেডিকেল শিক্ষার্থী আজ দুপুর সোয়া ১২টার দিকে কেন্দ্রীয় শহীদ মিনার থেকে হাইকোর্ট অভিমুখে পদযাত্রা...
