Theatre & Arts

Turongomi to celebrate anniversary by teaching underprivileged kids to dance

Photos: Collected

Turongomi Repertory Dance Theatre is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary with a variety of programs, including arranging a three-month-long dance training initiative for underprivileged street children of Dhaka city.

"In the context of this three-month training initiative, 33 street children were chosen from educational institutions dedicated to teaching children living on the streets in the capital," said Pooja Sengupta, the artistic director of Turongomi. The training program will conclude in March 2024.

"We have selected students who are interested and have certain talents regarding dance. We have already started our training in the capital's Karail area, and we are teaching them stretching, yoga, and pilates along with classical dance forms," added Pooja.

"Dance is not only about the craft, but its true essence is its philosophy in combining confidence, communication, and self-expression. So we are incorporating these skills along with the history of oriental and international dance forms, literature, and soulful discussions," explained the artistic director.

Turongomi School of Dance, a sister concern of Turongomi Repertory Dance Theatre, became a member of the International Dance Council of UNESCO, along with Pooja herself, in 2019.

Pooja received the Noorul Quader Entrepreneur Award in 2018 for establishing Turongomi.


Turongomi to celebrate anniversary by teaching underprivileged kids to dance

Photos: Collected

Turongomi Repertory Dance Theatre is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary with a variety of programs, including arranging a three-month-long dance training initiative for underprivileged street children of Dhaka city.

"In the context of this three-month training initiative, 33 street children were chosen from educational institutions dedicated to teaching children living on the streets in the capital," said Pooja Sengupta, the artistic director of Turongomi. The training program will conclude in March 2024.

"We have selected students who are interested and have certain talents regarding dance. We have already started our training in the capital's Karail area, and we are teaching them stretching, yoga, and pilates along with classical dance forms," added Pooja.

"Dance is not only about the craft, but its true essence is its philosophy in combining confidence, communication, and self-expression. So we are incorporating these skills along with the history of oriental and international dance forms, literature, and soulful discussions," explained the artistic director.

Turongomi School of Dance, a sister concern of Turongomi Repertory Dance Theatre, became a member of the International Dance Council of UNESCO, along with Pooja herself, in 2019.

Pooja received the Noorul Quader Entrepreneur Award in 2018 for establishing Turongomi.


যত দ্রুত সম্ভব নির্বাচন, ডিসেম্বরেও হতে পারে: দুবাই সামিটে প্রধান উপদেষ্টা

ড. ইউনূস বলেন, নির্বাচিত সরকারের কাছে ক্ষমতা হস্তান্তরের পর আমি যে কাজে ছিলাম, সেখানেই ফিরে যাব।

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