BotTala returns with new production after six years

For many years now, BotTala has been a popular performance space. They will soon be staging a new show, after six years, titled "Shokhi Rongomala", which will be directed by Mohammad Ali Haider.
The play is based on the novel of the same name authored by Shaheen Akhter. The novel portrays a child-bride named Queen Phuleshwari, who raised her voice to establish her rights, which were confined by the class and caste prejudices of 18th century southern Bengal.
The screenplay has been written by Samina Luthfa and Soumya Sarkar. "Shokhi Rongomala" is the 17th production by BotTala, and the technical show for the play was also staged on January 17.

Since its inception, BotTala has been telling stories which promote the message of equal rights for all. They always try to focus on telling narratives centred around Bangladesh, dissecting the social and political aspects of the country.
The first production of "Shokhi Rongomala" will be staged on January 24, at the Aly Zaker Notuner Utshob festival—which has been jointly arranged by Nagorik Natya Sampradaya and Mongoldeep Foundation.