Tahsan’s UNHCR goodwill ambassador term extended

Recently, popular Bangladeshi actor and musician Tahsan Khan signed on for a new term as goodwill ambassador in Bangladesh for UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency.
Tahsan Khan has been supporting UNHCR's advocacy and outreach activities since 2019. He has visited the refugee camps in Cox's Bazar annually and has supported UNHCR in raising awareness about the needs, struggles and dreams of refugees.
"It has been an honour serving as a voice promoting the humanitarian cause as the Goodwill Ambassador of UNHCR," said Tahsan Khan. "I am happy that I will keep on working for the refugees in coming days. I hope I can make a bigger impact in raising awareness and bringing harmony between host communities and refugees through my work with UNHCR."
Tahsan is one of the 40 UNHCR Goodwill Ambassadors globally, who help to highlight the situation of refugees and the work of UNHCR in every corner of the world.
"It is a great pleasure working with Tahsan, and we are honoured that he has decided to continue advocating for the plight of the Rohingya refugees," said Johannes Van Der Klaauw, UNHCR's Representative in Bangladesh. "His unique voice helps others to look beyond the numbers and see refugees as human beings with their anxieties and hopes, needs and potential, seeking to find some stability after their lives had fallen apart in their home country."