Runa Laila talks about being ‘boycotted’ in the 70’s

Today marks the birth anniversary of legendary singer Runa Laila. The artiste is currently visiting Kolkata, as she will be performing at the Coke Studio Concert there on November 18. Celebrating her birthday from there, she spoke to The Daily Prothom Alo about certain things in her life.
Apart from her success, she also spoke about some of the tough times during her career and life.
"I feel blessed that I never had to request anyone to give me work," she added. "I have always believed that if I have talent, then nobody can create barriers in my career."
Runa Laila always believed that the people's love has been the biggest support for her and her family have always stood by her.
At one point she opened up about some politics she was subject to.
"I have been the target of many at different points of my career, and it has been highlighted in many newspapers as. But they could never weaken my confidence."
During the 70s, every arti ste in Bangladesh called for a boycott against Runa Laila upon her return to Bangladesh. "Everything was going well, suddenly, in the mid 70s, this happened. None of the artistes would sing with me, or even stand with me on the same stage, or share a studio with me." She was asked if the person behind this chaos was Khaled Sarkar? In response, she shared, "Discussing such things at this moment is not worth my time, actually even if I think about it now, it does not make any sense to me now, I really don't understand what could be the reason behind this."
What disappointed her at that time was that her sister was diagnosed with cancer, and in a critical situation.
Runa Laila's magical voice and her talent did not let anyone stop her from becoming a legend.