Lucky Ali issues apology for 'Brahman-Ibrahim' post

Singer Lucky Ali is facing severe backlash on social media for his controversial post and even apologised to his 'Hindu brothers and sisters' on Twitter.
The "O Sanam" singer has removed the post in question and has clarified that he didn't mean to hurt anyone and only thought of bringing both 'Hindu and Muslim closer'.
On April 11, Lucky posted a status where he stated that 'Brahman' is derived from the word 'Brahma' that comes from 'Abram' which in turn comes from Abraham or Ibrahim.
"Brahmans are a lineage of Ibrahim. Alaihisalam- The Father of all Nations. I really don't understand why we are fighting and arguing with each other," read his post.
His post didn't do well with a lot of users where many compared him to a 'Jihadi' and stated that he attended history classes from Osama Bin Laden.
"Can Lucky Ali's reasoning explain how a faith which originated 1400 yrs ago, inspired a culture which is believed to have existed at least 5000 yrs ago," wrote one user.
After massive trolling and criticism, the singer issued an apology on Twitter and said that he will be careful next time.
"Dear Everyone, I realise the controversy of my last post. My intentions were not to cause distress or anger amongst anyone and I deeply regret that. My intentions, instead, were to bring us all closer together… but I realise how it didn't come out in the way that I meant it," read his post.
"I will be more aware of what I am posting and of my phrasing as I see now that it has upset many of my Hindu brothers and sisters. For that I am deeply sorry. I Love you all," concluded the singer.