Bangladeshi artistes will sing for Tapas Das from Moheener Ghoraguli

Singer-songwriter Tapas Bapi Das, one of the original members of the Bengali rock band, Moheener Ghoraguli, is suffering from third stage lung cancer. The artiste is currently going through chemotherapy treatment. Although Moheener Ghoraguli is a popular 70s band, it has huge fans in Bangladesh as well.
In order to financially support Bapi, so that he can continue his treatment, Bangladeshi singers who have been fans of the band have arranged a concert titled "Bhalobashi Jyotsnay". All of the money earned from this concert will be invested in Bapi's treatment.
In this event, every artiste will be performing on their own initiative out of love for Moheen's music and respect for Bapi da. The artistes who have taken this initiative are—Orghyo, Antu Das, Armeen Musa, Aseer Arman, Ahnaf Khan Anik, Ahmed Hasan Sunny, Kaaktaal, Joy Shahriar, Tanzir Tuhin (Abhas), Tilok, The Rehman Duo, Nayeem Mahmud, Probar Ripon (Shonar Bangla Circus), Farhan, Farah Diba Tasnim, Bhasha, Maisha Maryam, Masud Hasan Ujjal, Mishu (Shohortoli), Muyeez Mahfuz, Musa Kalim Mukul, Raju (Shohojiya), Rabbi, Raihanul islam Shubhro, Rashid Sharif Shoyeb (Meghdol), Riyad Hasan, Roksana Amin, Labik Kamal Gaurob, Limon, Lisan, Sandhi, Shovvota, Salekin, Sina Hasan (Bangla Five), Shuhrid, Shuvendu Das Shuvo.
On Friday, July 14, the concert will begin at 4 pm, at the auditorium of the Liberation War Museum, located at the capital's Agargaon.
Gautam K Shuvo, one of the concert's organisers, said, "Bapi da has been fighting cancer for a long time. The West Bengal government stood by him, artistes in Kolkata also held concerts and collected money for him. Now it's our turn. We feel that those of us in Bangladesh who grew up listening to Moheener songs also want to express their love. This has been arranged because of this love."

Saikat Biswas Tutul, one of the organisers, said that ticket sales have already started. Tickets have been priced at BDT 500 (ticket and poster), BDT 1000 (ticket, poster and booklet), BDT 2000 (ticket, poster, booklet, and souvenir t-shirt) and BDT 5000 (T-shirt signed by Bapi da). Tickets are available at Acoustica (ScienceLab), Metal Freak T-Shirt (Mirpur 2, Badda), Methopoth (Shop 119, Tintala, Aziz Super Market, Shahbagh) and online.

Eventholic, Acoustica and Ajab Prakash are working in association with the event.