
Ayub Bachchu’s unreleased song ‘Inbox’ to drop this Eid

Ayub Bachchu’s unreleased song ‘Inbox’ to drop this Eid
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An unreleased song by Ayub Bachchu is set to see the light of day after a significant time. The title of the song is "Inbox" with lyrics penned by lyricist Niaz Ahmed Aungshu. The Ayub Bachchu Foundation intends to unveil the song on Eid.

Bangladeshi rock icon Ayub Bachchu composed the song, featuring contemporary themes. The video, produced by Kolahall Communication also reflects the song's theme.

Regarding the song Niaz Ahmed Aungshu, Ayub Bachchu's favourite lyricist, mentioned, "We have several unpublished songs of Bachchu bhai. Masud of LRB has been entrusted with overseeing these songs and we plan to release the songs continually from that collection."

LRB's guitarist, Abdullah Al Masud, commented on the release of these songs, stating, "Boss has several songs stored on AB Kitchen's hard disk. I have been maintaining it since the recording sessions. It even includes many rough recordings of songs that he requested to be deleted, but I chose to keep them. I believe that these raw vocals hold legendary significance. 

"Additionally, Ayub Bachchu used to record numerous songs for an album, and we are selecting and releasing songs from amongst them. The AB Foundation is collaborating with us, and this initiative aims to consistently release unreleased songs to Ayub Bachchu's fans," he added.

Masud concluded by saying, "We are commencing our activities from this year onwards, and we hope to maintain this continuity. Ayub Bachchu was the pioneer of national music conservation in our country. Additionally, the Ayub Bachchu digital museum, dedicated to a local artiste, is the first of its kind for us. We have planned several regular initiatives and performances throughout the year for Ayub Bachchu's fans, including the release of the song 'Inbox'."

A recent agreement was signed between the Ayub Bachchu Foundation and Asiatic. According to this agreement, several initiatives have been undertaken, including the release of Ayub Bachchu's unreleased songs and the organisation of a tribute concert in honour of Ayub Bachchu.


Ayub Bachchu’s unreleased song ‘Inbox’ to drop this Eid

Ayub Bachchu’s unreleased song ‘Inbox’ to drop this Eid
Star file photo

An unreleased song by Ayub Bachchu is set to see the light of day after a significant time. The title of the song is "Inbox" with lyrics penned by lyricist Niaz Ahmed Aungshu. The Ayub Bachchu Foundation intends to unveil the song on Eid.

Bangladeshi rock icon Ayub Bachchu composed the song, featuring contemporary themes. The video, produced by Kolahall Communication also reflects the song's theme.

Regarding the song Niaz Ahmed Aungshu, Ayub Bachchu's favourite lyricist, mentioned, "We have several unpublished songs of Bachchu bhai. Masud of LRB has been entrusted with overseeing these songs and we plan to release the songs continually from that collection."

LRB's guitarist, Abdullah Al Masud, commented on the release of these songs, stating, "Boss has several songs stored on AB Kitchen's hard disk. I have been maintaining it since the recording sessions. It even includes many rough recordings of songs that he requested to be deleted, but I chose to keep them. I believe that these raw vocals hold legendary significance. 

"Additionally, Ayub Bachchu used to record numerous songs for an album, and we are selecting and releasing songs from amongst them. The AB Foundation is collaborating with us, and this initiative aims to consistently release unreleased songs to Ayub Bachchu's fans," he added.

Masud concluded by saying, "We are commencing our activities from this year onwards, and we hope to maintain this continuity. Ayub Bachchu was the pioneer of national music conservation in our country. Additionally, the Ayub Bachchu digital museum, dedicated to a local artiste, is the first of its kind for us. We have planned several regular initiatives and performances throughout the year for Ayub Bachchu's fans, including the release of the song 'Inbox'."

A recent agreement was signed between the Ayub Bachchu Foundation and Asiatic. According to this agreement, several initiatives have been undertaken, including the release of Ayub Bachchu's unreleased songs and the organisation of a tribute concert in honour of Ayub Bachchu.


ভারতকে ব্যবহার করে শেখ হাসিনার প্রচারণা চালানো বিপজ্জনক: গার্ডিয়ানকে ড. ইউনূস

তিনি বলেন, ট্রাম্পের সঙ্গে কোনো ‘ডিল’ না হলেও বাংলাদেশে গণতান্ত্রিক প্রক্রিয়া অব্যাহত থাকবে।

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