
Shocking student behaviour in SUST

Address the causes

Every new day the Chhatra League's excess, it seems, takes a new dimension. Last Sunday, some unruly members of the student body assaulted some teachers of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology who were staging a sit-in demanding the resignation of the university's Vice Chancellor. We condemn in the strongest possible terms a section of students' assault on the teachers of the university as well as some of the latter 'shoving' the VC. If this is how respect for teachers is trampled, what impression are people to get of the sanctity of a seat of learning?  

Even though the incident has left us in a state of shock, we are no stranger to such deplorable behaviour on the part of wayward BCL elements from time to time. These prompt us to believe that the organisational chain of command that should guide the BCL to run its activities in a disciplined way has collapsed. Since such untoward incidents not only disrupt campus peace but also corrode the credibility of the government, it is imperative for the ruling party to rein in such elements. There have been exhortations from AL leaders upon BCL activities to refrain from disrupting campus peace through factional turf war. But surely much more is needed to be done to instill discipline into the student bodies. Teacher too need to set examples of impeccable behaviour before the students.



Shocking student behaviour in SUST

Address the causes

Every new day the Chhatra League's excess, it seems, takes a new dimension. Last Sunday, some unruly members of the student body assaulted some teachers of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology who were staging a sit-in demanding the resignation of the university's Vice Chancellor. We condemn in the strongest possible terms a section of students' assault on the teachers of the university as well as some of the latter 'shoving' the VC. If this is how respect for teachers is trampled, what impression are people to get of the sanctity of a seat of learning?  

Even though the incident has left us in a state of shock, we are no stranger to such deplorable behaviour on the part of wayward BCL elements from time to time. These prompt us to believe that the organisational chain of command that should guide the BCL to run its activities in a disciplined way has collapsed. Since such untoward incidents not only disrupt campus peace but also corrode the credibility of the government, it is imperative for the ruling party to rein in such elements. There have been exhortations from AL leaders upon BCL activities to refrain from disrupting campus peace through factional turf war. But surely much more is needed to be done to instill discipline into the student bodies. Teacher too need to set examples of impeccable behaviour before the students.


দেশে আর্থিক মন্দা সত্ত্বেও ট্রাক বিক্রি বেড়েছে

সংশ্লিষ্টদের ভাষ্য, অর্থনৈতিক সংকটের কারণে ব্যবসায় মন্দা থাকলেও লজিস্টিকস, ই-কমার্স ও পণ্য উৎপাদন চলমান থাকায় বাণিজ্যিক যানবাহনের চাহিদা আছে।

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