First Biztech B2B talks in Dhaka May 21

For the first time ever, the government is going to host a business solutions exhibition aiming to expand software and information technology based local market.
ICT Division and Bangladesh Association of software and Information Services (BASIS) will jointly organize two-day long Biztech B2B conference from May 21.
Four industry papers will present a new perspective at the conference on how automation can promote growth in the target industries, said state minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak in a press conference today.
The event will be held at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel in the capital.
Key policy makers from both government and private sectors will address the different issues at the sideline program and discuss strategies at the exhibition.
The two day B2B conference of exclusively corporate solution providers will give the visitors an opportunity to hold one to one meeting with them to see what is an offer and what is the best for them, said Shamim Ahsan, president of BASIS.