ASK condemns Tonu murder, urges arrest of culprits

Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK), a legal aid and human rights organisation, today condemned killing of Sohagi Jahan Tonu, a student of Victoria College in Comilla, and expressed serious concern for the perpetrators involved in the killing not being arrested yet.
"We think such a heinous incident in a secured area like Cantonment and failure to arrest of anyone have created protests and various questions among people," ASK said in a release.
The legal organisation also demanded effective measures of law enforcement agencies and fair investigation into the incident.
ASK demanded that the government should take responsible measures to ensure proper and exemplary punishment to the culprits after identifying them immediately.
The body of Tonu, 19, a second year student of history in Victoria College in Comilla and a member of Victoria College Theatre, was recovered from Comilla's Moinamoti Cantonment area on March 20, Sunday, night.
Tonu's friends and theater-group colleagues in Comilla claimed that she had been raped before being murdered.
They also accused the local administration of playing a "dubious role" regarding the incident.