6 held with fake notes worth Tk 50 lakh

Detectives claimed to have arrested six persons for making fake currency and seized counterfeit notes of around Tk 50 lakh from their possession in Kamrangirchar area of Dhaka.
The arrestees are -- Saiful Islam Rony, 31, Md Gias Uddin, 36, Md Ashar Ali, 39, Md Asif, 27, Md Jibon Bepari, 29 and Md Forkan, 27.
On information, a team of Detective Branch of police yesterday conducted a drive at an under-construction building in the area and seized different equipment used for producing fake notes, said Shahidul Islam, assistant commissioner of DB north.
The arrestees confessed to their involvement in producing fake currency, the official said.
A case was filed with Kamrangirchar Police Station in this connection.