
Munshiganj launch, speedboat services resume after 24hrs

Launch and speedboat services on Shimulia-Kawrakandi route resumes following the weakening of tropical storm Komen in the Bay of Bengal. Star file photo.

Authorities this morning allowed launch and speedboat services to resume on Shimulia-Kawrakandi route following the weakening of tropical storm Komen in the Bay of Bengal.

Sub-inspector Md Eunus Ali, in-charge of Mawa police outpost told The Daily Star that launch and speedboat services have resumed around 9:00am today.

Earlier, services of lunch, speedboat, trawlers and boats were suspended yesterday due to cautionary signal no. 1 at Shimulia ghat for cyclone Komen, he said.


Munshiganj launch, speedboat services resume after 24hrs

Launch and speedboat services on Shimulia-Kawrakandi route resumes following the weakening of tropical storm Komen in the Bay of Bengal. Star file photo.

Authorities this morning allowed launch and speedboat services to resume on Shimulia-Kawrakandi route following the weakening of tropical storm Komen in the Bay of Bengal.

Sub-inspector Md Eunus Ali, in-charge of Mawa police outpost told The Daily Star that launch and speedboat services have resumed around 9:00am today.

Earlier, services of lunch, speedboat, trawlers and boats were suspended yesterday due to cautionary signal no. 1 at Shimulia ghat for cyclone Komen, he said.


কম্বল কিনতে ৪৯৫ উপজেলায় ৩৪ কোটি টাকা বরাদ্দ

শীতের শুরুতেই মন্ত্রণালয় থেকে দেশের উত্তরাঞ্চলের ১৪টি জেলায় শীতার্তদের মাঝে ১৫ হাজার ২৫০ পিস কম্বল বিতরণ করা হয়েছে।

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