
Ministry for scrapping Class V terminal exams

The primary and mass education ministry has decided in principle to scrap Class-V terminal examination as the primary level was elevated to class-VIII. Star file photo

The primary and mass education ministry has decided in principle to scrap Class-V terminal examination as the primary level was elevated to class-VIII.

"We want a single terminal examination and that would be after Class-VIII," said Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman while talking to the reporters at the secretariat today.

He, however, said the decision about the time from when the test will be scrapped is yet to be made.

The primary terminal exam was introduced in 2010 as per the cabinet's decision. So, its approval is needed to abolish it, the minister said.

Apart from primary terminal, currently there is another public examination named Junior Secondary Certificate (JSC) after class-VIII.

There has been a strong criticism against the primary terminal test from educationists and guardians who said the examination puts "extra pressure" on the kids. They also viewed that the test creates a huge opportunity for coaching and private tuitions.

The issue came into light after the government formally announced the extension of primary level up to class-VIII on May 18 and handed over all educational activities from class-I to VIII to primary and mass education ministry.

Previously, the academic activities of class-VI to VIII were under the jurisdiction of the education ministry.

The minister also said they would soon come up with a decision.


Ministry for scrapping Class V terminal exams

The primary and mass education ministry has decided in principle to scrap Class-V terminal examination as the primary level was elevated to class-VIII. Star file photo

The primary and mass education ministry has decided in principle to scrap Class-V terminal examination as the primary level was elevated to class-VIII.

"We want a single terminal examination and that would be after Class-VIII," said Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman while talking to the reporters at the secretariat today.

He, however, said the decision about the time from when the test will be scrapped is yet to be made.

The primary terminal exam was introduced in 2010 as per the cabinet's decision. So, its approval is needed to abolish it, the minister said.

Apart from primary terminal, currently there is another public examination named Junior Secondary Certificate (JSC) after class-VIII.

There has been a strong criticism against the primary terminal test from educationists and guardians who said the examination puts "extra pressure" on the kids. They also viewed that the test creates a huge opportunity for coaching and private tuitions.

The issue came into light after the government formally announced the extension of primary level up to class-VIII on May 18 and handed over all educational activities from class-I to VIII to primary and mass education ministry.

Previously, the academic activities of class-VI to VIII were under the jurisdiction of the education ministry.

The minister also said they would soon come up with a decision.
