Large number of court employees 'involved in corruption’: AG

A large number of court officials and employees are “involved in corruption”, Attorney General Mahbubey Alam said today.
“If this situation continues, it will be difficult for them who are still now honest to keep their honesty upheld’ he said while giving a felicitation to new Chief Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain at the court number-1 of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court.
The most awful matter is that some particular courts have become the court of particular lawyers, he added.
Many litigants are maintaining communication to judges’ children and wives, who are practicing as lawyers, thinking that they can win in the cases if those are moved by those lawyers, AG Mahbubey Alam said.
Previously, the relatives and children of the judges were in law profession but such situation was not created, the AG said.