Sinha's remarks about judiciary unacceptable: AG

The unseemly remarks on the apex court's judges made by former Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha in his recently published autobiography have damaged the image of the judiciary, Attorney General Mahbubey Alam said yesterday, terming Sinha's comments “unacceptable”.
The attorney general made the comments while talking to reporters in his office at the Supreme Court.
In his book “A Broken Dream: Rule of Law, Human Rights and Democracy,” Justice Sinha did not clarify why his colleagues in the Appellate Division refused to sit with him, Advocate Mahbubey Alam also said.
“I don't know if similar incident has taken place in any other country before,” he added.
Many other judges, including former Chief Justices Mustafa Kamal, Mahmudul Amin Chowdhury, Md Tafazzul Islam, ABM Khairul Haque and Md Muzammel Hossain discharged judicial functions during Awami League regime, but unlike Sinha, did not make allegations against the government, he said.
The autobiography of Justice Sinha was published on September 16, in which the former CJ said that he stepped down “in the face of intimidation and threats from the government”.