
BB orders watch on mobile money transfers

HSC examinations 2018
Examinees entering into the Notre Dame College examination centre before the HSC exams begin on Monday, April 2, 2018. Photo: Prabir Das

To prevent question leaks from marring the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examinations, Bangladesh Bank has ordered for a close watch on mobile financial transactions.

A circular has been floated in this regard, instructing banks and their subsidiary bodies to keep a strict watch on the transactions mobile financial service (MFS) providers.

The circular said, the MFS must convey the directive to their distributors, super agents, agents and clients, and also bring them under proper monitoring.

They will have to inform the law enforcing agency of any unusual transaction detected in the mobile accounts and the details of senders and receivers of the “unusual transaction”.

Bangladesh’s education sector is currently plagued by a series of question paper leaks. No matter what steps have been taken in the past, such menace could not be stopped.

And in the purview of question leaks spiraling out of control, even as seen during the SSC examinations last month, the HSC examinations began countrywide from today.

Law enforcers have warned, they will go tough against leak-sters and anyone found involved in leaks.


BB orders watch on mobile money transfers

HSC examinations 2018
Examinees entering into the Notre Dame College examination centre before the HSC exams begin on Monday, April 2, 2018. Photo: Prabir Das

To prevent question leaks from marring the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examinations, Bangladesh Bank has ordered for a close watch on mobile financial transactions.

A circular has been floated in this regard, instructing banks and their subsidiary bodies to keep a strict watch on the transactions mobile financial service (MFS) providers.

The circular said, the MFS must convey the directive to their distributors, super agents, agents and clients, and also bring them under proper monitoring.

They will have to inform the law enforcing agency of any unusual transaction detected in the mobile accounts and the details of senders and receivers of the “unusual transaction”.

Bangladesh’s education sector is currently plagued by a series of question paper leaks. No matter what steps have been taken in the past, such menace could not be stopped.

And in the purview of question leaks spiraling out of control, even as seen during the SSC examinations last month, the HSC examinations began countrywide from today.

Law enforcers have warned, they will go tough against leak-sters and anyone found involved in leaks.


তাজা ফল আমদানি কমেছে

এমন পরিস্থিতিতে তাজা ফল—যেমন আপেল, কমলা, আঙুর, ডালিম ও নাশপাতির দাম কমাতে শুল্ক ও কর কমানোর সুপারিশ করেছে বাংলাদেশ ট্রেড অ্যান্ড ট্যারিফ কমিশন (বিটিটিসি)।
