
79 cases filed under new Road Transport Act

Irregularities at BRTA

Mobile courts of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority today filed 79 cases under Road Transport Act-2018 and other relevant laws in Dhaka city on the second consecutive day of the operation.

BRTA’s seven mobile courts also fined Tk 1.19 lakh and seized documents of three motorcycles for violating the new act.

The courts conducted drives in Manik Mia Avenue, New Market, Tejgaon, Airport, Darussalam and Rampura area and some other parts in the capital, said a press release issued by the BRTA.

Yesterday, six mobile courts of BRTA filed a total of 88 cases under the new act in Dhaka and also fined Tk 1.21 lakh for violating the new act that came into effect from Sunday.

On the same day, the home ministry issued a gazette notification incorporating the Road Transport Act-2018 into the schedule of the Mobile Court Act-2009, which is much to operate mobile court.

Although the RTA came into effect from November 1 formally but BRTA mobile courts could not implement the law as the RTA was not incorporated into the schedule of Mobile Court Act.

After the gazette, the mobile court run by district administration has become able to enforce the RTA.

The transport act was approved by the president on October 8 last year. It was passed in parliament on September 19 the same year.


79 cases filed under new Road Transport Act

Irregularities at BRTA

Mobile courts of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority today filed 79 cases under Road Transport Act-2018 and other relevant laws in Dhaka city on the second consecutive day of the operation.

BRTA’s seven mobile courts also fined Tk 1.19 lakh and seized documents of three motorcycles for violating the new act.

The courts conducted drives in Manik Mia Avenue, New Market, Tejgaon, Airport, Darussalam and Rampura area and some other parts in the capital, said a press release issued by the BRTA.

Yesterday, six mobile courts of BRTA filed a total of 88 cases under the new act in Dhaka and also fined Tk 1.21 lakh for violating the new act that came into effect from Sunday.

On the same day, the home ministry issued a gazette notification incorporating the Road Transport Act-2018 into the schedule of the Mobile Court Act-2009, which is much to operate mobile court.

Although the RTA came into effect from November 1 formally but BRTA mobile courts could not implement the law as the RTA was not incorporated into the schedule of Mobile Court Act.

After the gazette, the mobile court run by district administration has become able to enforce the RTA.

The transport act was approved by the president on October 8 last year. It was passed in parliament on September 19 the same year.


দেশে আর্থিক মন্দা সত্ত্বেও ট্রাক বিক্রি বেড়েছে

সংশ্লিষ্টদের ভাষ্য, অর্থনৈতিক সংকটের কারণে ব্যবসায় মন্দা থাকলেও লজিস্টিকস, ই-কমার্স ও পণ্য উৎপাদন চলমান থাকায় বাণিজ্যিক যানবাহনের চাহিদা আছে।

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