
Cyclone Amphan: Ctg port on highest security alert

Chattogram Port's condition during Cyclone Amphan
All the vessels anchored at different jetties of Chattogram port have been sent to the deep sea as safety measures ahead of approaching cyclone Amphan. Photo: Rajib Raihan

Chattogram Port has been put on alert number 4 -- its highest security alert -- after the Meteorological Department issued danger signal number nine at the port due to super cyclone Amphan.

Secretary of Chattogram Port Authority (CPA) Md Omar Faruk said all the rescue crafts of the port, including tug boats and others, have been kept ready for immediate response while the medical facilities at the port hospital have also been prepared for emergency services.

Loading and unloading activities at the port jetties and the lighterage of goods from bigger vessels at outer anchorage were suspended on Monday evening while goods delivery were also suspended by yesterday (Tuesday) evening, reports our Chattogram correspondent.

All 19 vessels from the berths and over 50 vessels from the outer anchorage were sent to the deep sea by yesterday noon, said the port secretary.

According to the CPA's Cyclone Disaster Preparedness and Post Cyclone Rehabilitation Plan-1992, Alert No. 4 is announced when danger signal number 8, 9 and 10 are hoisted for the port by Bangladesh Meteorology Department.


Cyclone Amphan: Ctg port on highest security alert

Chattogram Port's condition during Cyclone Amphan
All the vessels anchored at different jetties of Chattogram port have been sent to the deep sea as safety measures ahead of approaching cyclone Amphan. Photo: Rajib Raihan

Chattogram Port has been put on alert number 4 -- its highest security alert -- after the Meteorological Department issued danger signal number nine at the port due to super cyclone Amphan.

Secretary of Chattogram Port Authority (CPA) Md Omar Faruk said all the rescue crafts of the port, including tug boats and others, have been kept ready for immediate response while the medical facilities at the port hospital have also been prepared for emergency services.

Loading and unloading activities at the port jetties and the lighterage of goods from bigger vessels at outer anchorage were suspended on Monday evening while goods delivery were also suspended by yesterday (Tuesday) evening, reports our Chattogram correspondent.

All 19 vessels from the berths and over 50 vessels from the outer anchorage were sent to the deep sea by yesterday noon, said the port secretary.

According to the CPA's Cyclone Disaster Preparedness and Post Cyclone Rehabilitation Plan-1992, Alert No. 4 is announced when danger signal number 8, 9 and 10 are hoisted for the port by Bangladesh Meteorology Department.


ড. ইউনূস। ফাইল ছবি: পিআইডি

হাসিনা পরিবারের সম্পদের ওপর হামলা থেকে বিরত থাকার আহ্বান প্রধান উপদেষ্টার

দেশের সার্বিক আইন-শৃঙ্খলা পরিস্থিতি রক্ষায় দেশের সব নাগরিককে নিজ নিজ জায়গা থেকে দায়িত্ব পালনের আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন প্রধান উপদেষ্টা।

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