Next budget should focus on creating jobs for the marginalised: Debapriya

The upcoming national budget for 2022-23 should focus on creating jobs and controlling inflation for the survival of the marginalised people, said Debapriya Bhattacharya, convener of the Citizen's Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh.
The general people are struggling hard, as the commodity prices have risen faster than their earnings in recent period, he said.
The first priority should be on creating jobs, he said, adding that it should be clear in the budget how many jobs will be created, how many by the private sector and how many through entrepreneurship.
The government can extend the scope of open market sales of the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh and increase allocation for the social safety net, Bhattacharya said.
The budget should be inclusive so that every marginalised people are addressed and get a wayout to go forward, he added.
Transgender people always live in a tight situation, as they do not get the right to live with their families so they deserve an incentive, said Robaet Ferdous, a professor of the mass communication and journalism department of the University of Dhaka.
The government acknowledged them in 2011, but now they need specialised SME loan to start small businesses, he said.
The house owners do not allow transgender people in their space normally, so separate housing is necessary for them and the government can allocate fund here, the professor said.
The entrepreneurs should get incentive for giving jobs to the transgender people, he added.