Global Economy

‘China to widen market access for service industry’

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Saturday that China would widen market access in the service industry and promote cross-border services trade.

Speaking via video at the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) in Beijing, Xi said China would focus on expanding the domestic market, increasing imports of high-quality services and reforming the country's basic data system.

The remarks come as China's trade slumped in recent months as weaker demand threatens recovery prospects in the world's second-largest economy, prompting top leaders to introduce further policy support.

Xi said China will promote the integrated development of high-end manufacturing and modern service industries.


‘China to widen market access for service industry’

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Saturday that China would widen market access in the service industry and promote cross-border services trade.

Speaking via video at the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) in Beijing, Xi said China would focus on expanding the domestic market, increasing imports of high-quality services and reforming the country's basic data system.

The remarks come as China's trade slumped in recent months as weaker demand threatens recovery prospects in the world's second-largest economy, prompting top leaders to introduce further policy support.

Xi said China will promote the integrated development of high-end manufacturing and modern service industries.


শিক্ষার্থীরা রাজনৈতিক দল গঠনে প্রস্তুত: ফিন্যান্সিয়াল টাইমসের পডকাস্টে ড. ইউনূস

সুইজারল্যান্ডের দাভোসে বিশ্ব অর্থনৈতিক ফোরামের বার্ষিক সম্মেলনে গিয়ে ফিন্যান্সিয়াল টাইমসের পডকাস্টে যোগ দেন ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস।

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