Global Business

Global Business

Waive demurrage charges at ports: FBCCI

It also demanded no new charges to be imposed when shipment begins

57m ago

Banks see cash withdrawal, bill payment pressure

Banks reopened today after three days of additional general holidays

3h ago

Let factories run, restore internet

Production and shipments are dependent on strict lead times set by international clothing retailers and brands, yet the factories have had to be kept shut for the past three days

20h ago

Fresh blow to the fragile economy

The countrywide shutdown and subsequent violence centring the quota reform movement crippled business and economic activities for the last three days, dealing a further blow to an economy that is already ailing due to high inflation, falling exports and depleting forex reserves.

20h ago

Fresh blow to the fragile economy

The countrywide shutdown and subsequent violence centring the quota reform movement crippled business and economic activities for the last three days, dealing a further blow to an economy that is already ailing due to high inflation, falling exports and depleting forex reserves.

20h ago

Fresh blow to the fragile economy

The countrywide shutdown and subsequent violence centring the quota reform movement crippled business and economic activities for the last three days, dealing a further blow to an economy that is already ailing due to high inflation, falling exports and depleting forex reserves.

20h ago

An investor’s guide to export from Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the export segment plays a critical role in driving economic growth by bringing in the much-needed foreign earnings.

1w ago

Maersk launches new shipping service to enhance China-Bangladesh trade

The SH3 service is operational since July 7 this year

1w ago

June export data release to be delayed

Data correction is going on

1w ago

Ctg customs to auction 182 imported vehicles as scrap

The vehicles were brought in between 2001 to 2012

1w ago

Knitting industries call indefinite strike for price hike

Production shutdown begins today

1w ago

Bimstec yet to make substantial progress in trade: experts

The Bimstec FTA should be concluded within a year, they opined

1w ago

76 companies to be honoured with national export trophies

Rifat Garments Ltd will be given Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Export Trophy

1w ago

Five-year strategic plan finalised to modernise customs: NBR

The plan will be brought to light soon

1w ago

Govt to buy 30,000 tonnes of diesel from India, LNG from spot market

Diesel will cost Tk 273.67 crore, LNG Tk 583.56 crore

1w ago

The world is rushing to Africa to mine critical minerals like lithium – how the continent should deal with the demand

According to the 2023 Critical Minerals Market Review by the International Energy Agency, demand for lithium, for example, tripled from 2017 to 2022

1w ago

Reserves come down to $20.46 billion after ACU payment

$1.42 billion of import bills for May and June were paid through Asian Clearing Union (ACU)

1w ago

The IMF is failing countries like Kenya: why, and what can be done about it

The country has been hammered by drought, floods and locust infestations in recent years

2w ago
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